New Star Wars: Legion Points Update is Here!

Star-Wars-Legion-Logo-rew-rulesA huge Star Wars: Legion points update is here along with a promise of fours days of updates from Atomic Mass Games!

AMG promised Legion updates, and they are delivering. Hopefully, the updates go your way, and your units get better! There have been a ton of expansions lately, so these should keep things balanced.

All of the points changes will be in blue, so it is pretty easy to see what’s changing. We’ll have everything here for you, but you can also check out the changes for yourself here.

Let’s jump into the changes!

New Star Wars: Legion Points Update is Here!

On their Facebook they also promised four days of articles about the updates and upcoming changes. One other thing to note, these go into effect on 1/1/23.

A new points update for Star Wars: Legion has arrived! In addition, players can look forward to a series of four articles outlining the latest rule updates coming in January, dropping 12/12, 12/14, 12/19, 12/21.
Pretty cool to get even more info and changes!

Star Wars Legion Points Update 3

Star Wars Legion Points Update
The Galactic Republic is getting a ton of changes, as well as the mercenaries. This makes sense, as they recently received a decent number of minis and expansions. While the Separatists are only getting two changes this time around (and at least in terms of points, we’ll have to see about the next update).
Star Wars Legion Points Update 2

Star Wars Legion January Points Changes & Updates

Here are the overall plus and minuses of these updates according to Reddit
points changes update
This is the last of the points changes for now, but as we said, there will be many more changes over the next few days, so keep your eyes open for more updates!

Click Here to Get the Star Wars Legion Points Update!

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