New Star Wars: Shatterpoint Card Art Revealed by AMG!

By Travis Pasch | November 22nd, 2022 | Categories: Atomic Mass Games, Star Wars, Warhammer 40k Rumors

shatterpoint-star-wars-core-box-setAMG has revealed some of the new Star Wars: Shatterpoint card art for the miniatures coming in the starter set- check it out!

Just a few days ago, we saw what models will be inside the new starter set, and now we get a sneak peek into what some of the card art will look like! We’ll also take a look at the starter in case you missed it.

While the game has had a bit of a mixed reaction, seeing the minis inside the set might help with your frustrations! Or not, but either way, it’s really cool to see the new minis.

New Star Wars: Shatterpoint Card Art Revealed by AMG!

These come from AMG’s Twitter.

It’s time to take a look at some Star Wars: Shatterpoint card art! What do you think of our Core Set squad leaders – Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Asajj Ventress, and Lord Maul?

Star Wars Shatterpoint Card Art 3The card art has a pretty classic feel, which is nice.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Card Art 4They are pretty consistent with the art style, so whether you like it or not, this looks like the style they chose for this game overall!


Star Wars Shatterpoint Card Art 2Some people had issues with the pose on this card on Twitter, but we think it looks dope.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Card ArtThese are the only four they have revealed so far, but hey, it’s nice to get little drops every week!

Plus, they said there will be demo games at AdeptiCon, so if you’re going this March, You’ll get to see basically everything.

What Will Come In The Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Starter Set?

Atomic Mass Games revealed the models on their Twitter and a little more info about the box itself.

It looks like there will be 16 models in total in the new starter, which is pretty decent when you compare it to the Marvel Crisis Protocol box, which seems to be a similar scale.


Which character from Star Wars: Shatterpoint Core Set are you most excited to paint – Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex, or Bo-Katan?

Even though we saw most of these in the actual teaser trailer, it’s nice to see exactly what you’ll get! There are some very cool characters included, and even if they aren’t up your alley, you should be able to split it with a friend.

Shatterpoint starter set

Who are you painting first from the second half of the Star Wars: Shatterpoint Core Set – Asajj Ventresss, Lord Maul, Gar Saxon, or General Kalani?

The other half of the box also has some interesting characters, but we did see General Grievous in the preview video, and it would have been nice to have him in this box!

Still, Star Wars Shatterpoint is shaping up to have a pretty sweet starter set just from these reveals.

Shatterpoint starter set 2

While they say the game will be much different from Marvel Crisis Protocol, the size and style of the minis and bases are similar, so the MCP starter might be something to compare this to.

How Will Star Wars Shatterpoint Miniatures Game Play?

Here is a statement from AMG’s Facebook about the Star Wars Shatterpoint game itself and its mechanics:

Star Wars: Shatterpoint is a totally new game with its own mechanics and structure. We can’t wait to be able to share more with you next year. There are also plenty of Legion releases planned for 2023 – so fear not.

Marvel Crisis Starter setThe MCP set comes with ten models inside, along with all the extras you need to actually play the game. So, looking at that, this Shatterpoint box could be a great value as it comes with 16 models, and we’re going to assume all the tokens and such you need to play the game.

The MCP starter runs for $99 from AMG, so let’s hope they keep the price of this similar and don’t raise it too much for the extra six models.

What are your thoughts about the new Star Wars: Shatterpoint game? Are you excited about the core set?

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