New Starter Infinity Token Sets From Micro Art Studio!

infinity tokensMicro Art Studio is always on top of the game for cool Infinity accessories, just like the amazing new starter Infinity token sets!

The hobby maniacs at Micro Art Studio always come out with great hobby supplies. Recently, they have been revamping their lines to match up with all the new ITS stuff. This time, we’ll look at the new tokens set with 50 different pieces inside.

While they aren’t the craziest thing ever, having some accurate tokens is always important to make your games that much better!

Let’s take a closer look at the new accessories, but they have so much more than this. We recently checked out their pre-painted terrain bundles, which you can take a look at here; for now, though, let’s jump into the new stuff!

N4 Infinity Tokens Starter Set (50) Orange: $17.19

infinity Starter tokens 2These aren’t the most game-changing thing ever, but they make your games that much better! If you love what MAS is up to, check out what else they have been releasing! 

infinity tokens

  • Updated to N4 standards, this set covers all the basic needs of a full Combat Group.
  • It contains 50x 15mm tokens made of transparent 3mm acrylic.
  • Regular Orders tokens – ORANGE version.
  • The high-quality print is protected from scratching by a layer of white foil.

N4 Infinity Tokens Starter Set (50) Blue: $17.19

infinity tokens 3

  • Updated to N4 standards, this set covers all the basic needs of a full Combat Group.
  • It contains 50x 15mm tokens made of transparent 3mm acrylic.
  • Regular Orders tokens – BLUE version.
  • The high-quality print is protected from scratching by a layer of white foil.
  • The colors of the tokens may vary from the ones presented.

That does it for this one. Now go get yourself some awesome new tokens for Infinity!

Click Here to Get Your Starter Infinity Token Sets!