New Tzeentch Disciples Battletome Battalions SPOTTED!

By James Rodriguez | January 16th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, tzeentch, Warhammer 40k Rumors

lord of changeThe new Disciples of Tzeentch Battetome is finally giving up it’s secrets. Come see the new Battalions that have been spotted for Tzeentch. 

Where did all of those Horrors come from? They’re multiplying!

Bell of Lost Souls has the goods on all the new Battalions from the Disciples of Tzeentch battletome today. Checkout the new configurations that we’re sure to see on the  Age of Sigmar tabletop soon!

horrors heralds

This books is a new style Battletome that is fully in line with recent post General’s Handbook  releases such as Beastclaw Raiders. That is, you get Allegiance Abilities, Artifacts, Gifts, TWO new psychic lores (for daemons and mortals), and last but not least, Pitched Battle points.

The book builds heavily upon the Tzeentch Arcanites and Daemons of Tzeentch sub-factions already found in the Grand Alliance Chaos book. Most those units are in Disciples of Tzeentch and a bunch of new ones and many battalions.  Let’s take a look at the table of contents:

Chaos Battletome Content

The Batallions and Warscrolls come next, with some very interesting standouts here and there.  Today we are going to take a peek at one half of the Battalions – those composed of the Daemonic forces of Tzeentch.  Now we aren’t here to spoil the entire book for you – go buy it!  Instead we are going to show you one of the most potent, and go over the others as brief summaries.  For all the mortal followers battalions, you’ll have to wait till the weekend.


Daemonic Battalions

Warpflame Host : Lots of Flamers of Tzeentch and other fire based units. Nearby units suffer random mortal wounds. HOT HOT HOT!!!

Multitudinous Host: This is the big one. Maybe the best in the entire book. Look to see this on the tabletop.  The Battalion has a lot of units, but they are very cheap individually, so it’s not as bad as it looks to fit into an army.  The big ability is a pretty decent amount of FREE models added to all the Horror units each turn. Remember these are Horrors we are talking about, so it’s already a huge pain in the butt to kill them all with the splitting.

I expect to see this in EVERY Disciples of Tzeentch list.

  • Aether-eater Host: All Screamers, Discs and Chariots. These units heal themselves by unbinding enemy spells.
  • Changehost : Identical to the version from Grand Alliance Chaos, Tricksy movement indeed. Moving on…
  • Overseer’s Fate-twisters: Lord of Change and little daemonic heroes. They expand and allow rerolls from your Destiny Dice pool.
  • Omnicient Oracles: Fateweaver and 3 LoCs. They really hate “1s” and pretty much re-roll any they don’t like.
  • The Eternal Conflagration: The first giant “Battalion of Battalions”. Lord of Change can cast magic through Flamers like Warmachine Arcnodes. Enemies suffer penalties to hit Flamers in the Battalion.
  • The Hosts Duplicitous: The second giant “Battalion of Battalions”. All wizards cast more reliably and know a hilarious spell that targets nearby enemy units and makes them reverse the results of all to-hit and to wound rolls (successes become failures and vice versa)!


 Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch $35DisciplesofTzeentchENG01

The Changer of Ways, the Master of Fortune, the Great Conspirator and the Architect of Fate – these are just some of the names of Tzeentch. A brother god to Nurgle, Khorne and Slaanesh, and often an ally of the Horned Rat, he is the undisputed master of the arcane arts. His followers, daemon and mortal alike, swarm over the mortal realms in scintillating glory, searing the land with coruscating flames of change. Tzaangor tribes raid ancient places of knowledge while mortal cultists work in secret to advance their god’s unknowable goals. Tzeentch’s plans are manifold, and he revels in watching each unravel.

We’re only half way through Tzaanuary and it looks like Games Workshop is preparing for another push of teasers.

new lord of change scale

The Lord of Change is coming with 4 different heads to choose from, so you’ll have options on which one to put on your model to make it even more unique to your army.

With 5 new miniatures being announced, and the previous 3 from last week, we’re looking at 8 new minis thus far. The Sylvaneth release only came in at 10 models, and with us only being half way through it’s looking like Tzaanuary is going to push right on past that mark.

tzeentch header

Looking for more Tzaanuary?