New Warhammer Age of Sigmar Character Pre-Orders Revealed

Next Week New trugg ionis release games workshopWarhammer Age of Sigmar is back with Ionus Cryptborn, Trugg the Troggoth King, and Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth, hitting pre-order!

Games Workshop has revealed all the new releases coming to pre-order on Saturday, January 13th, at 1 PM Eastern time here in the States.

New Warhammer Age of Sigmar Character Pre-Orders Revealed

The first set of 2024 pre-orders have been announced. Here are the pre-order details for all the new Warhammer AoS Ionus Cryptborn, Trugg the Troggoth King, and Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth releases with a street date of January 27th, 2024.

aos banner age of sigmar logo

It’s the first Sunday Preview of 2024, and while we’re all easing into the process of remembering to write “2024” rather than “2023”, you can pre-order this selection of products for Age of Sigmar, Blood Bowl, and Black Library from next Saturday.

Trugg the Troggoth King: Pre-Order

Trugg the Troggoth King

Trugg is an ancient and ornery Troggoth with a magical migraine brought on by a strange altar that lodged in his back after a whole city collapsed around his sleeping form. Pronounced King of the Troggoths by Braggit da Rabble-Rowza, Trugg now smashes his way around the Mortal Realms, trying to put a stop to the headache that hammers at his little Troggoth brain. As he swats and claws at the altar on his back, it unleashes torrents of arcane power that empower him with the magics of the Realms.

Get the biggest Troggoth along with his assistant on their own as a stand-alone release if you’ve been holding off.

Ionus Cryptborn: Pre-Order

Ionus Cryptborn

Ionus Cryptborn is one of the first and most powerful Stormcast Eternals heroes, a mighty Lord Relictor who has fought alongside the Hammers of Sigmar since the Realmgate Wars. Ionus has spent long years searching for a cure to the effects of repeated Reforging, befriending the ancient Stormdrake Cthorak in the process. Now, in an hour of great danger, he returns to help Vandus Hammerhand and the Twin-Tailed Crusade in their battle against the evils of the world, and he’s got a scaly friend who can breathe gouts of soul-burning fire to fight alongside him.

Pickup easily one of the coolest-looking dragons and characters for Age of Sigmar as its stand-alone release!

Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth Pre-Order

Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth

When the Twin-Tailed Crusade was beset by savage Ogor Gorgers in the Realm of Life, it was Betlhanos who burst from the verdant thickets of Ghyran to save the day. Carrying a spark of the Sylvaneth god of the hunt with him, the First Thorn of Kurnoth  rides the Carnelian Greatspite, striking from the head of the Evergreen Hunt alongside savage Kurnoth Hunters and swift Spiterider cavalry.

And last, get the latest Sylvaneth character, with a ton of detail and uniqueness as its own separate release as well.

What do you think of the new Warhammer Age of Sigmar releases for Ionus Cryptborn, Trugg the Troggoth King, and Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth hitting pre-order this week for Warhammer Age of Sigmar?

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