New Warhammer Christmas Day Preview Announced!

new gw previews adepticon LVO nova openCheck out the latest announcement for the upcoming Christmas Day Warhammer previews and everything that’s on the table!

It’s been a little while since we’ve had a big preview and since these will be coming on Christmas Day, we expect them to be decently big. The preview will be taking place Saturday, December 25th.

Warhammer Community just unveiled the new preview teaser. They didn’t give too many ideas on what to expect, but we have a slight idea about potential topics.

First, let’s recap some of the other recent previews centered around Black Library.

Black Library’s Warhammer Preview Online

bl online preview banner

If you’re a fan of action-packed Warhammer fiction, then you’re in for a treat this weekend, as Black Library’s got a Warhammer Preview Online all to itself. As you might expect from an end-of-year special, you can look forward to oodles of exclusive reveals of upcoming books that will be arriving in 2022.


Straight outta the Seige of Terra series, two amazing characters are getting models, and hopefully, that means rules in Horus Heresy too.

Fafnir Rann

fafnir rann

A celebrated officer of the Imperial Fists, Captain Rann was charged with the defence of the strategically vital Lions Gate Spaceport. He later joined the Templar Brethren, fighting alongside Sigismund and earning ever greater glory.

Not to mention he wades into battle with not one but TWO axes! Something about the blender that these guys must create in assault just screams, stay very very far away.

fafnir rann details

He’s a veritable mountain of stubborn strength, even for a superhuman Space Marine, wielding his signature twin power axes.

Dominion Zephon

Dominion Zephon

Zephon, while not high-ranking, always seemed to find his way to the centre of the action. His body was shattered in battle just before the events of the Siege of Terra, and his extensive augmetic surgeries brought him into contact with a Tech-Priest by the name of Arkhan Land

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This new Jump Pack character is right at home in the Blood Angels and can probably find a use in some 40k lists as a smash captain alternative mini with some conversion work.

Dominion Zephon details

He fought alongside the Adeptus Custodes, was recruited by Malcador the Sigillite, and fought on the front lines of the siege, fearlessly protecting and inspiring the soldiers at every turn. This incredible model shows his unusual bionic limbs, as well as the grace and fury of the Blood Angels.

With all the unique aspects of this model, it should make for a pretty fun painting and hobbying challenge too!

There was also a ton of books announced, which we included a link to the post below if you are interested.

Black Library Reveals Their New 2022 Warhammer Books

black-library-previewBlack Library revealed a ton of new book titles for Warhammer that are coming in 2022 from Siege of Terra to Gotrek… Read More

With the notably low rule and model count in the Black Library online preview, we can expect GW to try to up the ante and quench the player bases wanted for models and rules…

Now let’s get on to the announcement.

New Warhammer Preview for Christmas Day Announced

red gobbo xmas day preview

There are some who might argue that a surprise reveal that comes with a warning isn’t really a surprise at all. Nevertheless, this is one you won’t want to miss, and it comes on Christmas Day, no less. We’ve got a good feeling about this one.

Other than that there’s not really anything to go off of! We do know that new Chaos, Eldar, and even Tau are on the way thanks to the Advent Engines being covered with them! So we can expect to probably see a few model reveals involving those two factions. AoS isn’t out of the potential reveals either, but if they are it could be almost anything!

Wondering what’s still out there? Check out all the latest from Games Workshop below! And be sure to keep your eyes open for more details this week about the upcoming preview.

All the GW 2021 Previews:

Latest GW Model Previews For December & Beyond

How do you feel about an upcoming preview? Are you excited?

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