New Warhammer Old World Pegasus Spotted Built Already!

Warhammer-Old-World-rumors-news-articles-latest-release-dateWe know the game can’t be too far away, as a built plastic Warhammer Old World Bretonnian Pegasus was spotted in the wild!

At this point, we’ve been seeing previews for a long time from Games Workshop, but seeing something like this in the wild is a good sign for the game! We still don’t have a solid release date, but when you start seeing the models out there in the wild, how far away can it really be?

Obviously, this isn’t officially from GW, so take it with what salt you need. We spotted the sprue for this almost two months ago, but the person who posted this said it’s from a different source and not that sprue, as they were not able to score the rider this time around.

Built Plastic Warhammer Old World Pegasus Spotted in the Wild!

Here is the latest on the new Warhammer The Old World Bretonnian Pegasus model.

Plastic Warhammer Old World Pegasus

If you saw the older sprue, the OP made an update about this mini:

I just want to be really clear because I can’t edit my original post – while this is the same model as the recently leaked sprue, it is not the exact same specific sprue and the source is different.

Sorry folks, worded it poorly and it looks like some people are thinking it’s two different models that are coming. It’s not.

Plastic Warhammer Old World Pegasus 2

Even though it’s the same model as before, it really looks amazing all built up! The detail on it is really amazing, and if this is what the plastic minis will look like, we’re all for it!

Plastic Warhammer Old World Pegasus 3Unfortunately, they didn’t have the rider, but with how detailed this is, we expect it to be some character.

Plastic Warhammer Old World Pegasus 4

Now, all we really need to see is how the resin minis will look unpainted, and we’ll have a really good idea of how the game will shape in terms of minis! They also mentioned they didn’t bid on this on eBay, and someone gave it to them.

Who knows who that is, but it could always be someone like Games Workshop trying to build hype.

GW’s Pegasus Preview

Warhammer Old World Square Base Size 4

Here’s the image Games Workshop used back in April 2023 of the Pegasus Knight when they revealed they would be back in some way.

The leaked model seems to show just the mount itself with no rider, so judge for yourself if these are revamped models or if this sprue will end up making something completely different (like a special character.)

This gives more credence to the game dropping soon, so let’s hope it does.

Warhammer The Old World: Everything We Know So Far

What do you think about this new Bretonnian Pegasus model spotted in the wild? 

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