Don’t miss this new Marvel Crisis Protocol Nick Fury, Arnim Zola, Captain America, and Original Human Torch unboxing!
Rob is back unboxing the new MCP minis. He’ll see what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop, show the models’ size, and tell you the “gotchas” to be aware of when building them!
We will show you everything, including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way, you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.
Nick Fury, Arnim Zola, Captain America & Original Human Torch: Unboxing
Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Frontline Gaming
These are the three boxes we’ll be looking at today; each is really cool.
In a way, this feels like a great time to be playing MCP, as the starter is pretty cheap, and once you have that, you can just sort of start buying what you want. In all the boxes you grab the character cards and some crisis cards as well.
The newer sprues are pretty awesome; as you can see, Human Torch is only three pieces! While the older sprues are a little fiddly, they really seem to have dialed this in for all the new stuff.
Rob does recommend magnetizing your bases, and he goes with the Magnet Baron stuff for all of his.
Obviously, Zola is going to be a bigger sprue with more parts. There are actually two different faces you can put on as well, which is cool, and they actually fit in the chest cavity. So, it looks like you could just pop the clear piece on and interchange the heads on the inside.
Nick Fury also has a decent amount of parts because there are three minis on that one base. Overall, they look pretty easy to build. One last thing, Rob also recommends using the Tamiya extra-thin cement to build these, as it will really help with seam lines.
Built Minis
Zola goes together really easily, and as you can see above, you can easily pop the clear piece off to paint it separately and even change out the faces inside!
Baron Strucker is also really cool. Obviously, it doesn’t have quite as much going on, but still a really well-detailed mini.
If you’re wondering about scale, they are right around the size of a Primaris Space Marine
Captain America & Original Human Torch
There is actually an insane amount of detail on this model, so it’s great to see.
The flame details on Human Torch are great and will make for some really fun painting time.
Last but not least, Nick Fury Sr. with his team, and they just look great! It’s coming up on three years since the game was released, and everything is just looking great overall for the game!
Click Here To Get Your MCP Models!
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