Puppetswar New Free to Play Exofront Sci-Fi Game is Ready!

Puppetswar Free New ExofrontIf you love Puppetswar (or just new and easy-to-play games), then you need to check out their free new game, Exofront!

If you love 3D printing, this is even better as they are releasing all the current 3D printable files for the game for free and the 2D components. The game is very new, so remember that they only have one army list and one scenario right now, but hey, it’s free, and they will constantly be expanding the game!

Plus, they are looking for feedback on the rules and such, so if you have a little time to play (the rules are only 9 pages), give it a shot, print out some free models, and let them know what you think!

Puppetswar New Fress Game Exofront is Here!


First thing, if you want to download the rules, you can here. For free 3D files for the game, you can grab those here, and finally, you can get the 2D assets for the game here. As you can see, they are basing the game around a smaller amount of units, with more than one model on a base, which speeds up play and makes for easier rules.

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Here’s a little from them about the game:

  • ExoFront is a strategy tabletop wargame set in the universe torn by interdimensional warfare. 
  • The idea behind this project was to create a straightforward and accessible ruleset that will enable a fast-paced, tactical-oriented and fun play experience.
  • The game is designed with 32mm scale Sci-fi miniatures from our range in mind but it is a miniature agnostic system, you can use any models you like.
  • The ruleset and all basic components are free and it exists thanks to the support of our Patrons. If you would like to help us in this game’s future development consider becoming a Patron and collect benefits like sets of pre-supported 3d printable miniatures each month and extra game assets.

If you want a good overview, be sure to watch the video above!

The Rules

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Exofront 9With smaller armies and obviously fairly simple rules, the game should play quickly and not take forever to learn. Especially with free-to-print models and free rules, it will have a low barrier to entry.

Plus, if things go well, they will continue to expand the game and have more armies, models, and rules soon. As of right now, they only have the one army list and scenario, but as the game grows, we expect to see more very soon.

2D Components

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Exofront 2


Exofront 3Everything for the game is free, so download it now and play some games!

Check out Puppetswar Patreon Here!

Will you be playing the game? Do you like the idea? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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