RUMORS: Warhammer Fantasy Starters Returning For Old World

Warhammer-Old-World-rumorsThe latest rumors say look for a return of Battle For Skull Pass and Island of Blood, two amazing Warhammer Fantasy box sets with The Old World.

With the new Warhammer Old World seemingly around the corner, we might also get some old favorites returning as well! However, these are rumors, so don’t get too excited, as nothing is fully confirmed until GW says it is. So, take this with as much salt as you need.

If these boxes return, though, it would be an excellent way for GW to release a few factions in big boxes and not just have the starter to two armies. Either way, seeing these old boxes returning would be awesome!

RUMORS: Battle For Skull Pass & Island of Blood Coming Back With Old World

These rumors come from “a solid source” via Gary on Faeit 212.

Battle for the Skull Pass & Island of Blood will get reprints with the new Ruleset of Warhammer The Old World – maybe not before 2024.

Well, this isn’t anything too crazy to go off, but it would make sense for them to go with something this nostalgic to really get people excited about reworked Old World armies! If Old World drops when the rumors seem to point (near the end of 2023), it would make sense to see these two boxes drop right around the beginning of 2024 or very late in 2024 to make way for Age of Sigmar 4.0 that summer.
If you don’t remember these box sets from years past, we’ll check them out below and show where you can score them right now (but not for cheap).
Battle for Skull Pass 3The Battle for Skull Pass featured Orcs versus Dwarves and actually was a pretty stacked box. If they came out with basically the exact same box this time around, hobbyists may snap them up. The price would probably have to be in the $210 range, but it has a lot of minis and is just such a classic battle.
While the base sizes would have to be bigger, they could easily have the same number of models inside.
Battle for Skull Pass 2
You can actually score a few boxes from eBay, but they are far and few in between nor are they cheap. That being said you can score yours here.
Battle for Skull Pass 4
Island of Blood pits Skaven against the High Elves, and again, the box set is pretty cool. This would be awesome to see it revamped and brought back to life. Plus, with the rumored starter set and these two boxes, GW could already be up to six armies quickly.
Battle for Skull Pass 5
We actually couldn’t find complete sets of this on eBay, but you can score the contents separately, so something at least. So if you somehow have this box sitting around, it might be worth a lot.

Would you like to see these boxsets revamped? Are you excited about the Old World? 

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