RUMORS: How to Build an Army New Horus Heresy Rules

Horus-Heresy-walThere are some pretty giant rumors out there- supposedly here are the new rules on how to build a Horus Heresy army now!

With the new edition confirmed by GW, you know there would be some leaks out there! The new edition is shaping up to be big as it has basically been talked about for 2 years now, but at least it is finally on the way! Considering these are rumors and a playtest version, they may not be exactly what comes out in the end but should be close.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

RUMORS: How to Build an Army New Horus Heresy Rules

Horus Heresy Build an ArmyObviously, you need all your battlefield roles!

Horus Heresy Build an Army 2They are basing this on points and not a number, so that means at 2,000 point games there will be certain Primarchs/ Lords of War that you just can’t take, and even a few not at 3,000. Very interesting…

Horus Heresy Build an Army 3

Horus Heresy Build an Army 4Nothing too crazy here but again, it’s good to see them keeping this style for the game and not really jumping to how 9th works for 40k. That probably would have lost them a lot of players from the drop if they did honestly…

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New Allies Chart!

Horus Heresy Build an Army 5

Horus Heresy Build an Army 6This is cool as it really allows you to feel the narrative side and constant mistrust of the time. The biggest impact is when you can’t have distrusted allies score, and that’s pretty big.

Horus Heresy Build an Army 7Obviously, when you’re leading forces of this magnitude, you need a warlord to lead them! There are some really cool traits out there as well.

Horus Heresy Build an Army 8Any character can take these traits from any faction or allegiance. All three are pretty decent and two of them give additional reactions. With how many options they are giving for reactions, they might really start stacking up.

Overall seems like pretty exciting times for Heresy fans if these rules make the final version of the game!

Click the Gallery below for full-size images of all the rules.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

What do you think about the new construction rules for how to build a Horus Heresy army so far?