RUMORS: New Eldar Release Date, 40k Rules & Models!

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopTons of new rumors are here talking about the latest Eldar release date, plastic kits on the way, and even some 40k rules!

Before we get too far, these are rumors from several sources that we have seen lately but they seem pretty solid. Again though, these are rumors so take them with as much salt as you need, especially considering they are for Eldar…

RUMORS: Tons of New Eldar 40k Rules & Models Coming Soon!

Anyways, the new Eldar rumors talk about a new codex, tons of model updates, and even some new 40k rules. Some of the models will be coming through Kill Team and some with the main release.

Plus, this looks to be sooner rather than later as there are rumors the codex is reaching its final stages of production.

Let’s look at what we’ve seen so far then hop into the new stuff.

New Plastic Eldar Avatar Will Look Like

Mark gibbons Eldar AvatarFirst up, we’ve seen a rumor engine for an Avatar and the idea has been confirmed by these new rumors. We even have an idea of what the model will look like as GW has been basing a ton of the new models off of Mark Gibbon’s work.

Here’s his artwork for the Avatar and honestly, it’s pretty awesome. Since they have been loving to put minis on the base, this makes even more sense. There have been rumors floating around for a while now about a new mini. While we like the old one, it really needs an update and we would love for it to look more like the picture above.

avatar of Khaine EldarMuch like with the other minis updated from his art, they keep true to the old model, but just make them way cooler. Let’s look at the rumors for a new Avatar.

new eldar models 2These rumors (and composite image above) come from Aeldari Warhammer 40k Discord, which you can sign up for here.

Let’s start with the one that is a little less speculative. When you look at these two pictures side by side, it really looks like this could easily be the model. The blood effects on the old one are, shall we say, old. When compared to his artwork, the Rumor Engine looks so much more like his piece. While this is a rumor, don’t be surprised to see this art piece pop up again soon.

So perhaps when GW reveals the rumored Avatar, don’t be surprised if it looks just like the artwork above!

New Kill Team Box Teasers?

new eldar modelsNext up, there is new artwork on some of the Kill Team Octarius freebies featuring Eldar. These look very much like new Rangers and that makes sense with what some industry insiders have told us: a new kill Team box with redesigned Eldar models inside.

Rangers are the perfect KT unit for Eldar. So it’s possible they get the new Rangers in a box, then a couple of months later, they release the full 40k codex with a new Avatar and maybe Farseer. Plus, we’ve heard some rumblings of new Harlequin models as well that may also be coming in some sort of Kill Team offering as well.

RangersThere are some pretty stark differences between the old minis and the pic. Just look at the backpacks (they could be avengers with cloaks as well) and they are far leaner. Plus, basically, everything in the range is old, so we’re sure Eldar players will take any updates they can get!

All this is supposedly slated to kick off after January of 2022.

RUMORS: Big Eldar Update Coming in 2022

Eldar Feature r

Here’s a bit of an older Eldar rumors list that includes some of the more recent ones as well:

1) New Avatar of Khaine is a lot bigger
2) Shining Spear & Warp Spider phoenix lords plus plastic Baharroth 
3) Plastic Warp Spiders and Swooping Hawk kits
4) Plastic shining spears/ranger bike dual kit
5) Battle Focus will now be a d6 jump shoot jump ability
6) New Harlequin mechanic, Quins can fit multiple squads in one transport
7) A system very similar to miracle dice
8) -1D on all wraith units

If true they do seem like some fun mechanics. The change to give all Aspect Armor an invuln would be pretty huge.

A change to Battle Focus could be a big deal, but we’re not exactly sure what a D6 jump ability actually turns into. Maybe you get to advance and get D6 shots from the unit?

The minus damage on Wraiths would be very nice because Eldar has been struggling so far in this edition. We’ll have to see if they can get them somewhere near the competitive nature of their more sinister kin. With everything getting tougher and at the same time hitting harder, the Eldar needs something for the average player to really feel strong again. Maybe the miracle dice system along with some army-wide buffs will be enough.

We’ll just have to wait and see on that.

RUMORS: New Eldar Release Date, 40k Rules & Models!

These latest rumors come from Faeit 212 by a source through the Aeldari Discord. So, take them with what salt you need.

They say the release date could be February, but with COVID and the slowdowns to Custodes and GSC, don’t be surprised by a later date.
  • New Range of Plastic Aspect Warriors – we’ll cover this more in-depth later, but could be a huge update
  • New Rangers on Jetbikes – totally new kit
  • New Multipart Autarch Kit

More New Eldar Army Rules?

  • All Aspect Armour to get a 5+ Invulnerable Save
  • Phoenix Lords to be completely re-worked
  • Fire Dragons Get Re-Roll Hits and Wounds vs Vehicles
  • Fire Dragons get New Melta Rules same as everyone else
  • Falcon Grav Tanks Get Drop Pod Rules from Deep Strike.
  • Lynx Tank get Better Lance Weapon
  • Bright Lances Damage D3+3″

Overall it feels like they are just reworking a bunch of units, which could be a good thing if they go in the right direction with them. Giving the vehicles more punch and versatility seems like a very big plus, but again, We’ll just have to wait and see on that.

New Eldar Models

On top of all of those, there are also rumors that the update will cover the majority of the line, but not everything! The way they are coming out is also going to be a little strange.
With the Rangers and another unit or two coming out through Kill Team. The rest look to be coming out along with the book. There’s also a chance by the end of the update every Aspect Warrior unit will have a plastic updated kit, much like the update we saw to the Banshees.
So hopefully before too late into 2022 Eldar could actually have a real update for the first time in serious years!

Are you excited about an Eldar update for models and their 40k rules?

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