RUMORS: New Horus Heresy Primarch & Character Rules Spotted!

Horus-Heresy-primarh-rumors-rules-starter-set-forge-worldImages of new Horus Heresy Primarch, character, and Legion rules are here, and these rumors make them look super strong!

Before we go any further, we want to say, take all of this with some salt. These images seem extremely solid but they are from the phase 3 Playtesting documents supposedly, which means they could change or might not be 100% what we see with the final book. So, don’t get too worried just yet if you aren’t a fan. 

With that said, there are a lot of rumors we’ve seen before and these more or less confirm most of them, so let’s check those out first then get into the new stuff.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

RUMORS: New Horus Heresy Primarch & Character Rules Spotted!

These new rumors were spotted on Imgur, and show all kinds of new stuff! Again, they are from the phase 3 playtest which seems to match the other rules rumors we have seen already, so they could change once they are finalized…

Horus Heresy Primarch


Horus Heresy Primarch 2Obviously, he is a big boy! He’s quite expensive, but man, he’s got a lot going on. First up, he has a great warlord trait as every model (Well, Ultramarines) gets a phase with an extra reaction and additional LD. Then, you get extra special rules, even if he’s in a transport, meaning, all of his bonuses apply as long as he is on the field somewhere. Next, his stateline is awesome, he will be hard to kill, and in melee, he will dish out the damage!

Pretty much just awesome all the way around.

Ferrus Manus


Ferrus Manus 2The Primarch Ferrus Manus Horus Heresy statline may be honestly insane, and a 2+/3+ save means he shouldn’t die very easily. Then, his Sire of the Iron Hands rule means your army will be way tougher and you get an additional reaction in the enemy assault phase. Lastly, with his statline and Strength x2, he’ll be hitting like a truck.

Rogal DornLastly, we have Rogal Dorn. Again, his statline is insane, as we have come to expect for a Primarch. Then, he has a ton of special rules and wargear, but nothing quite as exciting in terms of wargear as the other two. Then, his Warlord Trait lets everyone use his LD 10, add 1 to the wound roll for determining combat, and lastly, you’ll also get an extra reaction in one phase until he’s removed from the board.

Imperial Fists Horus Heresy Legion Rules Rumors:

There is a lot of other rules that were spotted, and some of them match up from the rumors we’ve seen before, meaning this could lend more to their “authenticity”. Let’s compare some of the rumors, then if you want to see any of the ones we didn’t cover, click the bullets below for all the rules rumors images.

These are the new rumors we’ve seen, now let’s compare them with the older rumor write-ups.

first knight square

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  • New Legion Trait: all Legiones Astartes: Imperial Fists models gain +1 to hit with all Auto or Bolt weapons when conducting a shooting attack (including during reactions)
  • Unique Reaction: when an enemy unit moves within 10” or (and?) within line of sight of an Imperial Fists unit, may immediately declare a Charge with said unit as if it was the owning player’s assault phase – charge distance is d6 + unit’s lowest unmodified Initiative value in inches (rules like Hammer of Wrath & charge bonuses do apply), if successful the ongoing combat is resolved as normal during the assault phase, if failed no surge move is made – CONFIRMED!
  • Warlord Trait 1 “Solar Marshal” (Loyalist only): warlord & any unit they join gain +1 WS when locked in combat with any Traitor allegiance unit – may also make an additional reaction in any of their opponent’s phases- CONFIRMED!
  • Warlord Trait 2: when within 6” of an Objective/ while within their own Deployment Zone, the Warlord & any unit they join may auto-pass any Morale & Pinning tests they are required to make – may also make an additional reaction during the assault phase- CONFIRMED!
  • Warlord Trait 3: warlord & any unit they join may re-roll To Hit rolls of 1 while they are within an area of terrain which is conferring them a cover save/ embarked within a Fortification – may also make an additional reaction during the shooting phase – CONFIRMED!
  •  Stone Gauntlet Rite Alterations: Phalanx Warders gain the Line and Heart of the Legion special rules, models with Boarding Shields in unit coherency with at least 2 other models also equipped with Boarding Shields may re-roll all failed Invulnerable saves against shooting attacks/ attacks made during the Fight Sub-Phase (re-rolls cannot be made if the unit has made a Run/ Charge/ Sweeping Advance move)- this isn’t exact, but it’s very close, close enough to not take away from the rest of the rumors. 
  • Illiastus Pattern Assault Cannon Alterations: now Assault 4 rather than Heavy, Malfunction now confers the Gets Hot! rule to any shooting attacks made with the weapon as part of a Reaction
  • Castellan Consul (+20 points): model gains the Fire Support special rule & the Heavy unit sub-type, can take either a master-crafted heavy bolter or autocannon – can increase the number of attack rolls made by a heavy weapon by 1 (that they’re equipped with? by a unit they’ve joined? idk) when making a shooting attack – any Legion Heavy Support squad they join gains the Line sub-type

Iron Hands Chapter Specific Rules Rumors:


  • Dark Angels Warlord trait previously leaked as allowing to select bonuses against certain factions lists “Dark Mechanicum” as one faction
  • Salamanders now also have -1S to incoming plasma, melta, and volkite. -1″ charge/run/sweep is gone, Morale bonus now attached to a legion specific Warlord Trait
  • Raven Guard split into Hawks/Talons/Falcons that confer different bonuses to different unit types
  • Iron Hands -1S to incoming shooting now applies to all non-vehicle units (including new MC dreadnoughts), all vehicles get 6+ It Will Not Die and Autosimulacra can increase that to 5+ – CONFIRMED!
  • Iron Hands specific reaction to overwatch at full BS twice with Gets Hot!
  • Iron Father’s get a machinator array instead of a servo arm, have Battle Smith (3+) CONFIRMED! 
  • Space Wolves are getting a “Grey Hunter” unit

So more than a few of these legion-specific rules have been “confirmed” by the new rumors. Meaning some of the other specific rules we don’t have pictures for yet could be totally real!

There are tons more rumored rules for the new Edition of Horus Heresy as well, be sure to click the links below to see more pictures!

Either way, new rules and even just one new Horus Heresy starter box set at the bare minimum would be a great thing to see. 

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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