RUMORS: New Horus Heresy Primarchs & Releases

horus-heresy-icon-logo-wal-hor-titleNew primarchs, including Horus Ascendant, may be on the way to Heresy, according to these rumors for upcoming releases!

While a lot of what we’ve seen recently (like upgrades and praetors) have been in resin, it doesn’t look like GW is stopping anytime soon on the plastic HH releases. It looks like GW will focus on plastic for more vehicles, jet bikes, Sicaran kits, and more!

RUMORS: New Horus Heresy Primarchs & Releases

These rumors come from Valrak with a rundown of the rumors from the B&C (edited for grammar):

So, some big things to unpack! First, if Horus Ascended grabbed its Primarch model, we’re sure it would look cool, but that does mean buying another mini for something that’s already out there.

Next, it would also be really cool to see all the older Primarchs get a rework, like a Siege of Terra version, perhaps?


  • Horus Ascended model is in the works ( resin )
  • GW is considering remaking the early/worse-looking Primarchs ( resin )
  • Priority for plastics are vehicles
  • Land raider kit is coming as a dual kit ( most likely carrier – Explorator )
  • Land raider Achilles is supposed to be in the works ( seems weird IMO, considering it’s in the legacy units? )
  • Jet bikes are coming to plastic
  • Sicarians will get a lot of focus, with more variants, including new ones
  • Dreadnoughts will be getting legion upgrade kits, supposedly in plastic
  • An imperium-like magazine may be coming for HH
  • Solar Auxilla won’t be coming to plastic anytime soon, with the focus being put on the legions
  • Forgot to mention, but HH apparently is a giant success

Now, onto the plastics. First, as we thought, vehicles will be taking a big priority, with Dreads, Sicarans, Land Raiders, and even Jet Bikes in plastic.

Unfortunately, it looks like anything other than Space Marine Legions will be taking a backseat, but that makes sense if HH is doing really well with just Space Marines.

Lastly, an Imperium-like magazine would be a cool way to get newer people into the game (or if you just want more minis). However, the last ones took forever to hit other parts of the world, so if that’s true, we might see it way sooner in the UK than in any other part of the world.

Now, let’s look at how certain kits would work in plastic for tanks.

Plastic Sicaran Size & Compatibility With Resin Turrets

Recently on Reddit we saw video and images of the size and compatibility of the new plastic Horus Heresy Sicaran with the resin turrets and kits from Forge World!

Sicaran turretHere you can see how the Forge World turret fits perfectly in! This opens the door for anyone who has the current kits to change out the variants in seconds and really opens the door for GW to repackage existing Forge World pieces into entirely new upgrade packs for this Tank.

Or perhaps they could release plastic variant kits as they did with the new Horus Heresy Leviathans, which seems to be the current rumor now.

Sicaran turret 2Considering there are already quite a few Sicaran kits out there, this is actually a decent move from GW. However, this also allows them to easily make the Sicaran kits in plastic soon as well since they have everything fit to size.

Here are some images comparing the size of the new plastic Sicaran with the existing resin Forge World one.

Plastic Sicaran Size & Compatibility With Resin Turrets

From this angle, only a few minute differences can be seen.

Plastic Sicaran Size & Compatibility With Resin Turrets

From the front, more small differences are noticeable, but it appears that the new and old Sicaran seem to size up quite nicely to each other.Plastic Sicaran Size & Compatibility With Resin Turrets

From the side, there is a noticeable difference in the side sponson size, the rear exhaust stacks, and the angle of the back treads as well.

You can also purchase these weapons for the Leviathan separately, and we could easily see them doing this with the Sicaran, as the turrets appear to fit.

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Close Combat Weapons Frame

It might get a little pricey for both, but it’s better than buying entirely new kits just to get the variants.

This also seems to be pretty successful as both the ranged weapon sprues for the Leviathan and Contemptor Dreadnoughts are both sold out already.

SicaranSince all three of these turret variants will fit, it would be really awesome to see a full weapon pack or even just a separate Forge World turret upgrade set like the Leviathan combat weapon sprue.

However, these rumors point towards plastic!

Possible Upcoming Horus Heresy Releases- Land Raiders

The new Horus Heresy starter set sprue pics were revealed recently by GW influencer Tale of Painters and appear to have clues to future kits.

Spartan tank

This is the main section with those front and top tank differences, and they could easily just replace a single sprue to make the Spartan sprues become the Proteus. With the pictures spotted, it also means they have this ready to go!


As you can see, this sprue is actually called Spartan. The interesting thing about this sprue is that it has all the front parts to make the tank bigger.

Land Raider SprueAbove, you can see how the front of the tanks between the two classes are different, but this is the only sprue named Land Raider but also stamped Spartan,

SpartanYou can actually see the seamline in red, meaning this is a separate bit to extend the front. So, considering that’s one of the main differences, and it’s a different part, in theory, it could be easy to make a different set of front parts to make a plastic Proteus from the rest of these Land Raider sprues.

Deimos Pattern Rhino 2

Below is the tank accessory sprue that we may see in several Horus Heresy kits, as we have seen that hatch missile launcher pictured on the Deimos already (above). Next to it is the weapon sprue that comes with the Spartan.

Land Raider SprueIf you look close, you can see the weapon sponson sprue is actually marked Land Raider. Well, technically, they all are; just some have Spartan stamped in the parts area too.

lascannon quad land raider spartanNow take a look at pieces 10 and 16. It looks like the two bits marked 16 are used to mount the quad las assembly to the top and bottom of the chassis, while the bits marked ten are shorter and could be used just to mount the two of the double Lascannons and not the quad configuration of four on the Spartan.

From there, the floors and tread sprue are also marked Land Raider and could perhaps omit parts from the Spartan build to make a potentially smaller profile Proteus tank.

Land Raider SprueLastly, the chassis walls and armor sprue is also just marked Land Raider; however, if this is for the same kit, you would be able to use a similar engine block and exhaust stacks as well, not anything too out of the ordinary.

Land Raider SprueYou can also see that the side hatch and weapons mount will work for a plastic Proteus and the Spartan as the sponson mount appears to be universal to that sphere clip for both Land Raiders.

So from the looks of it, HH may be doing really well, so hopefully, that will keep the new Horus Heresy releases flowing!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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