RUMORS: New Models & Battletome For Sylvaneth In May

By Rob Baer | April 25th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Sylvaneth are waiting on deck as Slaanesh takes Age of Sigmar by storm. Don’t miss the latest on what may be coming soon for the tree people!

You heard it here first. Sylvaneth are rumored to be the next AoS faction to get updated over to the new Age of Sigmar 2.0 format.  With a release date of very soon, here’s the latest on what you may see on the shelves before its time to break out the summer lawn furniture.

Sylvaneth Next?


sylvaneth 1

Multiple industry insiders have mentioned that big A and the Sylvaneth are coming very soon.  Here’s what they said may be on the way:

  • New Battletome update over to AoS 2.0
  • There own dedicate Terrain piece (not the rebranded tree stands from Warhammer Fantasy)
  • Warscroll Cards in the new format
  • Branded Tree Dice
  • One or two new character models.
  • Release as early as May 

It seems like we’ve been seeing an AoS faction get overhauled every other month. The latest being Skaven and Fyreslayers. Sylvaneth is definitely one of the more popular factions that you’ll spot on the tables but they could definitely use a refresher!

What do you think about GW possibly choosing to update Sylvaneth next? Is there another faction that needs the update more? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.