RUMORS – Tau Mont’ka Farsight Campaign Book Imminent?

By Rob Baer | November 10th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


Checkout the fresh murmurings of Commander Farsight’s arrival, along with the Imperial Assassins that may be coming to a store shelf near you, individually! Get the latest:

New Rumors just surfaced today about the upcoming expansion from the same source that started them last week.  Personally for me I’m more interested in whether it will be a two book slip case like Kauyon or not!

Via K’Vor Advanced Tau Tactica 11-10-2015

Q: K’Vor do you know if the campaign is set for pre orders next week or is still on the 20th that we are looking at?

A: Pre-orders are that weekend (21st) for Mont’ka. Farsight codex is Feb 2016. Q1\2 next year also sees a bit more for Tau, campaign-wise.


And the back and forth cross forum exchange from earlier:

via DakkaDakka’s Sad Panda 11-5-2015

The Friday/Saturday notwithstanding, that pre-order weekend (November 20th) is correct. 

No Tau models, but a mix of Imperial things, notably repackaged black-clad operatives hunting O’Shova.

via K’Vor on Advanced Tau Tactica 11-5-2015

Mont’ka will be out Nov 20th, and that FSE 7E is on schedule for Q1 2016.

Data Cards for Farsight are also due out.

via DakkaDakka’s Sad Panda 11-5-2015

The Friday/Saturday notwithstanding, that pre-order weekend (November 20th) is correct. 

No Tau models, but a mix of Imperial things, notably repackaged black-clad operatives hunting O’Shova.

Editor’s note: Imperial forces discussed are are: Assassins, Astartes, Astra Militarum

via DakkaDakka’s Gamgee 11-5-2015

K’vor’s source had nothing to say other than Q1 and that FSE (Farsight Envclave) was coming.

And of course we had been hearing ever since the Execution Force came out last April, rumors of the 4 plastic Assassins making their way to store shelves individual clam-pack form.

So will get the Heresy Game, then MORE Tau, and the Assassins, before plunging into December?

Tau Release Roundup

~  Heresy was only the beginning!


Episode 25 – Horus Heresy, Kickstarter, Adepticon OH MY