RUMORS- Wrath of Magnus Psychic Powers & Unit Rules

By James Rodriguez | November 23rd, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

magnus the red

The book is almost here and the rumors have begun.  Get ready for new Thousand Sons rules to be revealed this week.

100% Grade “A” rumors, remember to add salt to to taste folks..

Source: Faeit (via 4chan) 

Psychic Powers


New Lore of Change, all powers force successful dtw rolls have to be re rolled

Primaris: +2 to invulns, passed saves reflect s3 ap3 blind hits back
1: Re roll all to hit rolls for one unit for one turn
2: Pick the result of one dice in your turn
3: A unit’s weapons gain Force
4: 3d6″ S: d6 AP: d6 Assault d6 Witchfire
5: You and opponent roll off then add the number of WC you want to spend. Loser takes the difference in totals in Perils rolls.
6: 12″ S: D AP- line, starts at -2 on the D table but you can spend extra warp charges to offset this

Magnus gets the Rubric too, 12″ Nova that works like Mind War and transforms things it kills into new 1k Sons/Spawn

Units & Formations


 Magnus The Red, Primarch of the Thousand Sons

The book will have 9 new unit entries. Some are new, some are updated with adjusted point cost and new options:
Exhalted Sorcerors
Scarab Occult Terminators
Pink Horrors
Blue Horrors
Brimstone Horrors

(Yes you read that right, updated rules for Horrors as well. The book in general will be a Tzeentch like Daemonkin, featuring all sorts of Tzeentch Daemons as well.)

There are 10 formations within the book and inside the detachment.
There are 6 CSM formations and 4 Daemon Formations.

There are Updates to Daemonic Loci as well as Icons of Chaos. The Aspiring Sorcerer and Scarab Occult Sorcerer have multiple wargear options.
The Tzeentch Discipline is added. There are also all 4 Traitor Marine Psychic Disciplines inside.

Magnus, Ahriman, Exalted Sorcerers, Scarab Occult Sorcerer as well as Aspiring Sorcerer all have access to 11 Disciplines (all 6 BRB Disciplines, all 4 Traitor Marine Disciplines, as well as the new updated Tzeentch.)

Finally Ahriman is able to Cast powers of his Corvidae Cult ???? as well as many, many more.


So there you have it folks. What do you think? Wishlist or real? Leave your comments down below, we’d like to hear what everyone has to say about the latest word on the street!.