Save Over 75% With These Gargant Model Alternatives

Gargant Alternative featureSave 75% or more on the GW Sons of Behemat Gargant or King Brodd models with these great alternatives!

With all the hype around the new Sons of Behemat releases, people have been on the lookout for some cool alternatives! The two massive 19 cm tall minis from Kings of War may be what you’re looking for. It’s hard to dish out $200-210 for a single model, but these Sons of Behemat Gargant miniature alternatives are definitely more reasonably priced!

Save 75% With These Gargant Model Alternatives

Mantic has a bunch of cool minis (so worth a look even if you don’t want these alternatives), but we’ll be focusing on the Humanoid and Frost Giant they have.

Plus, if you were wondering how they size up, well the scale is nearly identical as far as we can tell:

Size Comparison Giants

Gargant Alternatives – Humanoid Giant:

Gargant AlternativeThis guy is only running about $40 right now and is quite massive! The design is almost similar enough that most people would care less if this was your alternative. The only issue would be buying a new base. But one base (GW’s Mega Gargant is on a 130mm) isn’t too bad considering the initial price. Let’s see the specs on this:

Gargant Alternative 3

  • This immense PVC plastic model measures almost 19cm tall and includes a range of options for customizing your giant. Perfect if you want to field two or more! You can take this as a unit in either an Orc, Goblin, or Ogre army in your games of Kings of War. Plus additional armies will be boosted with the option of a Giant in the upcoming Clash of Kings.

Frost Giant:

Frost GiantThis is another really cool mini they offer, which makes a great alternative. You can also go with a different paint scheme to give it a more humanoid look if you want; it is a little more expensive but really cool.

Gargant Alternative 4Here are the specs on this one:

  • This immense PVC plastic and Resin model measures almost 18cm tall.
  • Contains: 1 PVC Plastic and Resin model 75mm base
  • Material: Resin

That does it for this round of alternative minis; now grab yours and save some cash!

Grab Your Gargant Alternatives Here!

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