GW Reveals New Imperial Guard Cadian Castellan Miniature

GW just revealed another Imperial Guard miniature, this time in the form of a new Cadian Castellan commander!

After a big weekend of reveals, Games Workshop isn’t done with Cadians yet! This is the newest miniature revealed for the Imperial Guard, but they also promise we’ll see something new each week for the entire month, meaning we have a lot more to go.

If you want to see all the reveals for Imperial Guard that are on the way, click the article links below:

Warhammer Community unveiled not just the new mini but also some rules for how to use the Castellan for other factions like the Catachans, Death Korps of Krieg, and more.

New Imperial Guard Cadian Castellan Joining the Fight!

Castellan Cadian 2

Unlike regular Command Squads, Castellans don’t go into battle accompanied by a retinue. They move among their troops, issuing orders and directing fire wherever it’s needed, all while extending re-rolls to every CORE unit in range.

Giving re-rolls for every core unit, and being able to move through units is pretty cool.

Castellan Cadian

Astra Militarum officers can all boost the effectiveness of their Guardsmen with orders, but the Castellan can issue two per turn. Orders are a vital aspect of the war machine, encouraging units to hit harder, pin down foes, and surge across the battlefield in mass human waves.

We’re assuming the orders will work somewhat like the old ones, but obviously, there will be some big changes. Being able to give two orders is going to be pretty key to getting your army working well.

This incredible new model is tremendously versatile, and comes with plenty of weapon options and four separate heads which you can use to make it truly your own. It can be used with any Astra Militarum army, Cadian or otherwise – even the Death Korps of Krieg and the Catachan Jungle Fighters need battlefield command.

As you can see, there are a few different options, and with four different heads and some weapon options, you should be able to use it for whatever sub-faction you like. So, while the focus is on Cadians, don’t worry if you play something else, as they can also be used for that!

Check out the latest rumors about the rest of the 9th and 10th Edition Warhammer 40k rumors for new releases, including the next 40k Primarch, Space Marines, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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