Save Hobby $$$ Warcry Starter Box Set Values

By Rob Baer | July 22nd, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warcry, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Check out how much hobby $$$ you may be saving with the Warhammer Warcry Starter set that’s coming our way on August 3rd!

If you haven’t been following along, Warcry is an Age of Sigmar-based skirmish game similar to both Kill Team and Warhammer Underworlds in a lot of ways. Warbands have fighter cards and can move across ever-changing maps from game-to-game.

Warcry is generating considerable hype now that the prices and products have been revealed. So just how good is the value of the box set?

Warcry Box Set $170

Get Yours For Less At Miniature Market


This set itself is coming with two Warbands, terrain, dice, a core book, folding board and more. Judging by the confirmed prices that we’ve seen from multiple retailers, we can get a decent estimate of the true value inside.

  • Iron Golem/Untamed Beasts Warband: $100 (Cypher Lords are $50) 
  • Core Book: $40
  • Battleplan Cards: $18
  • Warcry Starter Scenery: $90 (Corpsewrack mausoleum expansion is $90)
  • Chaos Beasts (Bat and Lizard models): $50 (We say $50 because roughly the same number of models come in the Cypher Lords Warbands box). 
  • Dice, Tokens, foldable board: $30-40 total estimate

Total Estimated Value: $328-$338

Total Savings vs MSRP: $158-$168

Remember: We say “estimated” because the Warbands, terrain, and dice are only found inside of the Warcry starter for now. However, GW has had a track record of releasing box-exclusive units later on.

Overall, the value inside definitely looks to be solid. Especially if you want to have a building block for more Warcry content. There are definitely cheaper ways to get into the game. I.e by using AoS factions and just buying the card packs. But if you’re wanting to have one single purchase with everything you need to play including two brand new Warbands, this box set had value for sure.

Plus if you forget how quickly the Kill Team starter set sold out (and still hasn’t come back in stock one year later), getting value from this box set may be the furthest thing from some hobbyists minds.

What are your thoughts on the starter box? Will you be splitting it with a friend? Have you decided to play your AoS faction and just drop $50 on a core book/cards? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!