One Facebook group is reporting that Sisters of Battle or Adepta Sororitas we re on a photo shoot again at the GW Studio, could they be re-appearing in a supplement soon?
Source: Adeptus Astartes (Facebook Aug 7th 2016)
Sisters finally getting some love….best hint yet….
(I know it just means they might be in a battle report….but….ask yourself why GW would feature them at all if they were for the scrap heap?)
The Best hint Yet?
Spikey Bits reported the same thing back on July 17th:
This picture was spotted recently at the studio that shows some of the collection of Adepta Sororitas were take out for pictures. In the past we’ve seen happenings like this herald in an appearance in a new supplement either just for background fluff or for a full rules releases.
Last year intrepid hobbyists noticed a bunch of Warhammer Fantasy models went missing only to re-appear later with round bases after Age of Sigmar dropped.
Tau also got a photo shoot which led to their appearance in their Kauyon and Montk’a supplements last fall.
The Sisters themselves actually disappear for a photo shoot way back in 2014 for their fluffy inclusion in that fall’s Shield of Baal Campaign supplement series.
So what do you think it will be this time, fluff, rules or maybe something for the new Monthly White Dwarf. Either way I’m sure the studio staff didn’t put them on shoot for prosperity’s sake right?
Would You Like To Know More? Apply salt to taste y’all!