Sly Marbo’s Datasheet & Unboxing

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Sly Marbo has stealthed his way into stores this Boxing Day. If you weren’t able to get him, then here is his datasheet, and an unboxing as a consolation.

Seen on multiple Facebook pages, including Games Workshop Belconnen, Sly Marbo has successfully infiltrated Games Workshop stores this Boxing Day.

Sly Marbo boxFor those of us that are not able to get our hands on him and will have to wait until his rumored 2018 release, here is his rule sheet.

Sly Marbo's Rules

The rule sheet is an exact match to the rumor we covered last week concerning his rules and abilities. We now have a complete picture of his skill and they are quite impressive. His Like Fighting A Shadow ability is great and thankfully only once per battle. He can essentially duck out if it gets too hot and then re-infiltrate in the next Movement phase. His weapons are decent but those wounds rolls of a 2+ against infantry will be disgusting once he is positioned correctly against enemy infantry units.

marbo resin not plastic

For those that may have issues reading from the image, here is a summary:

HQ, 4 power level. Catachan, Astra, Imperium, Sly Marbo.

Str 3, T 3, 5+ armor. 2 for WS and BS, 4 wounds, cannot take Warlord Trait or take orders.

3 shot pistol that always wounds Infantry on a 2, no ap.

4 attacks, Knife always wounds on a 2 against infantry and no AP.

You can set him up for deep strike, and when he comes in, pick 1 of 3 options:

  1. Shoot a unit, ignoring the Character rule until the next turn, rule calls out he specifically shoots when he arrives, and can then shoot again during the actual Shooting phase.
  2. Stalk with Knife, roll a D6 and move that many inches, and gain +2 attacks until the start of the next Movement phase.
  3. Concealed explosives, pick a unit, roll a D6, add 1 if unit has more than 10 models, -1 if it is a character. On 4+, D3 mortal wounds, 7+ D6 mortal wounds.

Ability: Fighting a Shadow: 1 / battle, at the beginning of your Movement phase, if no enemy within 6 inches, Marbo goes back into deep strike, and can be redeployed the next turn. This procs his “Show Up” ability again.

Gains 2+ to his armor save rather than 1+ when Marbo is in cover.

What do you think about these rules? Were they exactly what you thought his rules would be? Do you foresee any issues using him on the tabletop, besides a points cost? 

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