Checkout the latest unit shots for the new Storm of Vengeance video game that is coming soon from Eutechnyx.
If you missed the first teaser from the looks of it, its a hybrid tower defense / RTS game using five lanes and thusly five building slots to produce units to battle and achieve their mission goal.
Here’s the new renders primarily for the Dark Angels below.
Original post below.
Looks like a new video game is getting ready to hit mobile devices the world around.
It pits the forces of the Dark Angels against the tenacious Orks with the old Battle for Piscina IV as the backdrop for the battle.
You can still find the old 3rd edition campaign pack here
From the looks of it, its a hybrid tower defense / RTS game using five lanes and thusly five building slots to produce units to battle and achieve their mission goal.
Players can place buildings on the appropriate game slots to produce resources and unit cards that make the 3D units you can use to battle. Some units such as assault marines and flyers can jump lanes and attack lateralerally, and some units can fire across lanes as well, which all can combine to help the war effort.
There is even a skill tree that players can unlock to get new unit and building types and provide different weapons and upgrades as well.
And last but not least there is a multiplayer mode that lets you battle against other players around the world to build battle points towards a worldwide campaign!
Checkout the example 3d models below and be sure to leave you thoughts about the very exciting project as well. – MBG