Sons of Horus Get Reinforcements: More JOYTOY Action Figures!

JOYTOY Sons of HorusMore Sons of Horus are on the horizon and up for pre-order as the JOYTOY line of Heresy action figures continues to expand.

Flyima has all your favorite JOYTOY Warhammer Action figures ranging from chapter staples to walkers and armored vehicles. They’re always updating their catalog with new and improved models portrayed in their proper grimdark glory. This time around, we’re checking out some of the new heresy action figures from the Sons of Horus that are up for pre-order!

The Sons of Horus Get Reinforcements With More JOYTOY Action Figures!

If you’ve been eyeing any of the fantastic JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures, use our exclusive discount code SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12% and get yours for less from Flyima!  Best of all, they have free shipping to the States!

Sons of Horus JOYTOY

You can get your JOYTOY Warhammer action figures from other overseas sellers and vendors in America, the UK, and Europe now! Be sure to use the links below to browse the current lineups from each vendor below! Plus most of these overseas sellers have free shipping options, which is hard to beat!

These are the latest new JOYTOY 1:18 scale Warhammer 40k and Horus Heresy action figures available worldwide!

Sons of Horus Legion Praetor in Cataphractii Terminator Armour: $69.50

Click on these links to order yours for less: Flyima | Locker Toys Entertainment Earth Sideshow Collectibles | Merchoid | Amazon | | Games Workshop | or eBay |

Use discount code SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12%  from Flyima

Sons of Horus JOYTOY 2Here’s your chance to pick up one of the iconic traitor legions from the Horus Heresy Era!

Sons of Horus JOYTOY 3

Product Features:

  • 1:18 Scale, height approximately 5.6 inches (14.1cm).
  • Figures are highly detailed and fully articulated.
  • Made of upgraded ABS and PVC plastic for greater toughness.
  • The weapons and accessories shown in the images come with the figure.

Sons of Horus JOYTOY 4While he doesn’t have a ton of extra bits, the figure looks awesome!

Sons of Horus MKVI Tactical Squad: $181.90

Click on these links to order yours for less: Flyima | Locker Toys Entertainment Earth Sideshow Collectibles | Merchoid | Amazon | | Games Workshop | or eBay |

Sons of Horus JOYTOY 5Mark VI armor is always a great look, and these overseeing your games will definitely force your miniatures to roll better (don’t blame us if it doesn’t work, though we’re not dice-ologists).

Sons of Horus JOYTOY 6You get four miniatures in the set, and each has a bunch of different wargear.

Sons of Horus JOYTOY 7

Product Features:

  • 1:18 Scale, height approximately 4.7 inches (12cm).
  • Figures are highly detailed and fully articulated.
  • Made of upgraded ABS and PVC plastic for greater toughness.
  • The weapons and accessories shown in the images come with the figure.

Sons of Horus JOYTOY 8You get a couple of special weapons in the squad, but plenty of combat knives.

Sons of Horus JOYTOY 9Each model has a couple of weapon options and a few hands, letting you really customize your figures even more.

This is just a small preview of the massive Warhammer JOYTOY selection that you can find on Flyima after their recent announcement. Don’t miss out on your chance to pick up these Sons of Horus staples before they’re gone!

Click Here to Get Your JOYTOY Figures From Flyima or Amazon

Use discount code SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12%  from Flyima

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