Sylvaneth Adding More Bug Models to a New Battletome!

new-sylvaneth-battletome-and-modelsFast-moving bugs are the theme of all the models that are getting added to the new Sylvaneth Battletome for AoS!

Another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer is here! Catch all the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community along with our commentary! It looks like you’re in luck for those hoping for new models coming to AoS!

GW Warhammer Fest Preview

Warhammer Fest

As with last year, there’ll be four full days of online reveals, each with a different theme. But Warhammer Fest has traditionally been an in-person event – and we’ll be back in the flesh this year, with a huge Horus Heresy open day on the final day at Warhammer World.

The action kicks off on the 4th of May, with a day dedicated to Warhammer 40,000 – including more than a few unexpected surprises. Warhammer Age of Sigmar gets the treatment on the 5th of May, with new units, new battletomes, and new characters. Then the 6th of May is skirmish day – a treat for fans of more than a few Warhammer game systems.

It’s good to see both AoS and 40k getting their own days because hopefully, this means tons of reveals along with Horus Heresy and Specialist Games.

GW Unveils Tons of New AoS Sylvaneth Models!

This is the biggest line update they’ve basically ever had, with fast-moving bug models and the return of this lady…

Sylvaneth Lady of the Vines

Lady of vinesFirst up is this wild Lady of the Vines who has just recently been resurrected, from events back in the realmgate wars This is a pretty wild mini, and with how much lore is out there about this model, it will be really fun to play with!

New sylvaneth


New sylvaneth

After her untimely death in the Realmgate Wars, the Lady of Vines is back, thanks to the god-queen of the Sylvaneth – and a deep rage for all things that threaten the Sylvaneth smoulders in her thorny heart.

Gossamid Archers

Gossamid Archers

Gossamid Archers are lethal skirmishers afforded the power of flight by symbiotic zephyrspites – their arrows, loosed from elegant bows, play host to ravenous grubs that bore into their enemies. Yum!

New sylvanethJust like the Arch-Revenant, these models are actually being carried by bugs on their backs and their arrows will explode into bugs that dig into the enemy’s skin!

Spiterider Lancers/Revenant Seekers

Spiterider Lancers

These fearsome cavalry come in two flavours. Spiterider Lancers are Alarielle’s elite shock cavalry. Lightning-fast, they dart into combat and strike their foes down before they can react.

New sylvaneth


New sylvanethThese are very fast and hit quite hard. According to the preview, they have a decent number of attacks and wounds and fill a niche role for Sylvaneth-  getting somewhere fast and hitting hard!

revenant seekers

Revenant Seekers are a touch slower, focusing on the vital task of harvesting the life energy of fallen Sylvaneth to resurrect their allies.

You can build this kit into two different units, and we’ll have to see how they break it all up and if you can magnetize them or not.

New Battletome

Slyvaneth Battleome

All of these fabulous floral fighters and carapaced cavalry are arriving alongside the latest book for the Everqueen’s forest-dwelling sentinels, Battletome: Syvlaneth, which you can expect to see more of in the coming weeks.

Of course, with so many new models, they are also grabbing a new battletome book for Age of Sigmar 3.0!

If you missed the latest few previews from GW, you can get all caught up on those from our coverage below:

Click Here For All the GW Previews From Warhammer Fest

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