TABLETOP LATEST – Weekly Rumor Roundup 1/19

By Rob Baer | January 19th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

red shirts wow Did YOU miss anything over the weekend? Spring into Monday with a look back at last week’s tabletop news and rumors! The big story from the weekend is the confirmed Necron release, however there is still more from the End Times and Forge World to go around still! It really doesn’t matter if you’re a round or square base-er it’s was a great week for hobby news!

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Hobby Headlines

NEW NECRONS As of this writing the full release list, as well as some, of the product photos have been leaked for the Necrons. 1421577187740 Initial feedback seems to be positive for the limited ‘Cryptek’ Codex release, however I’ve heard of several Blood Angels players lamenting over the disparities between the two limited editions!

  • Necron Overlord: $28
  • Codex Necrons: $49.50
  • The Tomb Awakens: $185
  • Codex Nerons Cryptek Edition: $165
  • Datacards Necrons: $12.50

FULL NECRON RUMOR ROUNDUP ThanquolStandard The End Times: Thanquol and Archaon At last we have the latest End Times book in the series, and WOW the ‘Olde World’ is starting to sound a lot more like the ‘Grim Dark’.  Easily the most viseral chapter in the End Times saga, Thanquol may just turn out to be the ‘Empire Strikes Back’ of the series. The story sets up what looks to be the final series of battles for the End Times as Archaon  (or his Skaven ‘allies’) battles across the old world from Lustria to the Dwarven mountains. SnapShot(274) From what I can see there is no way the fifth book of the series CAN’T revolve around Archaon from the EPIC conclusion of the Thanquol book.

Spoiler Alert: this book is brutal.

Check it out for yourself in my first look video review below.


sisters walpaper Sisters of Battle On the rumor front we heard some murmurings about new Soroitas models. I think the key is several different independent sources are all saying new models and a codex! Sororitas Forum Roundup 1-7-2015

From Bolter and Chainsword:

Quote Originally Posted by Ishagu
A Hardback Sororitas Codex with plastic kits. I was told something similar by someone in the know not long ago. It could be true…

From Warseer:

Quote Originally Posted by Sephillion
I’ve heard more credible things about Sisters being later (next year), and the fact that they would redo Dark Angels, CSM and Daemons so soon… instead of redoing the problem Codices… seems like whoever wrote this just assumed GW would follow the same order.

Via Steve the Warboss 1-11-2015

Regarding Sororitas Codex

After the featuring in the Shields of Baal Campaign i think its possible for a near Sororitas release. The Codex is complete and can be released every time. More rumors do not exist at the moment.

Full Adepta Sororitas Rumor Roundup

chaos walpaper IW Chaos Daemons & Space Marines Moving on to the next chapter this weeks rumor saga; we heard from several of the same sources above about ‘cult’ rules for Chaos Space Marines. They all seem to point to a Khorne Codex of some sort, and a new Bloodthirster model with hints of a possible crossover release with Fantasy’s End Times Book 5.

via Arthurius11 1-11-2015

The main purpose of this khorne codex is to ride in the slipstream of End Times 5, which will be released earlier in march, with the “headline”-release of the new Bloodthirster (builds 3 variants)….The bloodthirster apparently looks great with various head and weapon options.
The Archaon book will bring some more khorne stuff with a new unit as well….I heard there could be an old special character possibly getting a new model, it’s possible it could be a dual kit with the bloodthirster….And Skarbrand. Assume he would dual kit with blood thirster but not 100%

then Harry chimes in:

Except this one was designed and sculpted by Jes Goodwin.

The Jes Goodwin? That comment is coming from Harry who has a great track record for his news/rumors!

Full Chaos Rumor Roundup

New Releases

SkavenStormfiendsBox (1)

Stormfiends $62

The latest creations from the crazed laboratories of Clan Moulder, Stormfiends are hulking brutes stitched together from a variety of body parts. Armed with a deadly array of experimental weaponry, they are able to wade through densely-packed enemies, or single-handedly halt enemy charges with blistering fire-storms.

This multi-part plastic kit makes three Stormfiends that can be assembled with a variety of weapon options. The three Stormfiends each have a unique pose, and warpstone armour that is different for each model. They are covered in all manner of pipes, cables, stitched skin and runes.

Each miniature has the option to be armed with a pair of one of the following: ratling cannon, grinderfists, doom-flayer gauntlets, shock gauntlets, warpfire projectors or windlaunchers.

Grey Seer $22

The Grey Seers are powerful sorcerers, capable of channelling eldritch energies in destructive ways – levelling armies with lightning, or summoning ravening swarms of rats. As chief agents for the Horned Rat, Grey Seers wield tremendous influence amongst the Warlord clans, and only a fool would ignore their council.

This 9-piece plastic kit makes one Grey Seer holding a staff (mounted with a pet rat) and crystal ball, and armed with a dagger. The model is supplied with a 20mm square base.

Skaven Warlord $22

To hold the title of Warlord is to rule supreme. In battle these brutal, back-stabbing commanders will do anything for victory, leading from the back, a nice safe place where he can watch the flow of battle and decide where his sword arm is needed most.

This 8-piece plastic kit makes one Skaven Warlord armed with a sword and wearing heavy armour and is supplied with a 20mm square base.

And the obligatory bundle…

Children of the Horned Rat $667.75

The Children of the Horned Rat web bundle contains 93 miniatures including: 1 Thanquol and Boneripper, 2 boxes of Stormfiends, 1 Skaven Warlord, 2 boxes of Stormvermin, 1 Screaming Bell, 2 boxes of Clanrats, 1 Hellpit Abomination, 2 Doomwheels and 1 Verminlord.

Go, go, buy, buy, man-thingsssss

Forge World

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Forge World just dropped new Chaos/ HH Rhino and Land Raider Doors for the Iron Warriors and Alpha Legion, plus new shoulder pads for the snakes as well. Plus new Ad Mech Thallax variants too! Thallax-Rad-Cleanser-1 Iron-Warriors-Land-Raider-Doors Alpha-Legion-SP-MKIII Alpha-Legion-Rhino-Doors Stay tuned what’s sure to be more this week from the impending Necron release, and if you want your chance to score some FREE Forge World swag head on over to our new forum for our latest giveaway.