Templates are Back! New Adeptus Titanicus Previews

Adeptus Titanicus warlord painted

Exciting updates showcasing the contents of the new Adeptus Titanicus box game later this summer, as Don’t miss this one! Let’s dive right in.

Adeptus Titanicus game was finally spotted in the flesh at Warhammer Fest.

Today, we’ve got even more update with a preview of what the back of the box looks like, Knight Titan data cards, and possible moving templates!

Templates are Back! New Adeptus Titanicus Previews

adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018

The game itself was spotted at Warhammer Fest with Knights of all classes scaled down to a “smaller” size. But make no mistake. These models aren’t small. They show off the true power of the Imperium as you can watch an entire army of Knights march into battle with one another.

Supposedly, we need to look for a Q3 launch of the game which should be around August-September (GW mentioned August release at Warhammer Fest already).

It’s also rumored that Adeptus Titanicus will be getting the spotlight at GENCON in Indianapolis.

A Closer Look

Garro let everyone in on even more Adeptus Titanicus goodies.

Templates are Back! New Adeptus Titanicus Previews

Causal reminder, games out in August, in stores, as it’s plastic. No prices yet, but the big box is expected to be in the £150-200 mark. Hence why the ruleset and minis are all being released separately at launch.

adeptus titanicus warhammer fest 2018

This shot of the accessories/ rules box back gives us a better idea the game aides for playing Titanicus. Looks like blast templates are back! Judging by the back of the box,

titanicus game 2

Titans will be getting data cards to help keep track of equipment and damage sustained in the game. They’ll be getting special rules like the Warlord Titan’s Defense Cannon at the top of the card.

titanicus game 3

Could this be a moving template? It matched up perfectly with the front of the Knight’s base. It looks like it’s not moving very far if it is! Maybe this is a template to help identify firing arcs? Who knows.

We’ve finally got some real meat on the Adeptus Titanicus game. The only other time we’ve seen some substantial information was back at Warhammer Fest. Time is closing in on the release for this game so keep an eye out for solid release dates. Plus look for this game getting the spotlight at GENCON 2018 as well.

What do you think about the Adeptus Titanicus previews?  Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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