The Amazing Testors Dullcote Spray is Back in Stock!

After a short, but very sad time, Testors Dullcote Spray is back in stock and ready to help you seal up those miniatures safely!

Testors used to produce tons of hobby products for model making from dull coats to enamel paints and everything in between.  They also have a line of products specifically geared toward veteran modelers and hobbying in general called Model Master. About a year and a half ago, they basically gave the boot to the Model Master line of paint and supplies, and these blue label sprays became very hard to find. 

But it looks like now production has ramped up and the Testors Dullcote is back in stock once again at stores here in the US.

Why is this such a big deal? Well, we love the stuff and it might be one of the best sealers for miniatures out there because it can work in almost any temperature or relative humidity!

We bought a lot of them (and the Model Masters version) before they went away, but now we don’t have to worry any more it seems…

Testors Dullcote Spray is Back in Stock!

Testors Spray coat

Old can of Clear Coat (Dullcote)

We’ve been using this stuff forever and if you want to get your minis matte coated, then you really can’t go wrong with Testors! It’s really not too expensive and just works so well. Even in his recent video, Rob uses a can of this to seal in all his wash work before moving on to Speedpaint!

Testors Spray coat 2You can either grab single cans or a 4 pack, but if you’re going to be doing a lot of painting, might as well grab the 4 pack and just get it all! We don’t think they will discontinue it again, but it’s better to stock up now rather than later!

This is the new labeled can, with the same SKU number of 1260T DULLCOTE, however, now it has the new manufacturer on the back:

We’ll put the video below so you can check it out for yourself. We were worried it might never come back, but after hearing rumors of its return for some time now, it’s truly back, and available on Amazon right now!

Unfortunately, it looks like the black cap Model Master line is still out of production.

You can also fix crazed and frosted accidents on miniatures from other seal coats with this stuff:

That does it for this one, now go get some awesome spray!

Click Here to Get Your Testors Dullcote Spray!

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