RUMORS: Testors Model Master Line Being Discontinued

testors-discontinuedIf the rumors are true, it looks like the end of an era as Testors Model Masters line is being discontinued across stores worldwide. Here’s the latest.

Testors produces tons of hobby products for model making from dull coats to enamel paints and everything in between.  They also have a line of products specifically geared toward veteran modelers and hobbying in general called Model Masters.

Now it appears Model Masters may be getting the boot.

Editor’s Note: Dullcote has been remade and is available in stores again like Amazon etc… Click Here to find out more.

RUMORS: Testors Model Master Line Being Discontinued

testors model masterYou might’ve seen these lying around in your LGS or even Hobby Lobby, but now it appears in 2020 the Testors Model Master line is going out of production.

This announcement came in an email from Stevens International (a major model distributor) to their customers recently:

“We have been informed that Testors will be gradually phasing out all items with the Model Master name on them. This includes these series 1400, 1700, 1900, 2700, 2900, 4600, 4700, 4800, 28000, 28100 and 342000 series and any brushes and accessories that carry the Model Master name.”

testors model master paint


testors model master paint 2

testors model master paint 3Note that it’s not just the spray can series of Model Master products that are going. But any brushes and other gear also look to be getting dropped. If Testors Model Master products are some staples for your hobby, you may want to stock up on some of the stuff you use now.

No Need To Panic- Blue Labels Aren’t Going Anywhere

testors blueNote that Testors isn’t dropping all of their paint products. They’ll still be keeping the blue can line of sprays which also work on models depending on what effect you’re going for. No need to panic.

If you don’t know what things like dullcoat/clearcoat are and why they’re important for the hobby, they’re basically a clear, protective layer that hardens around the model. This keeps your models safe from scratches, especially on metal minis. If you’re not protecting what you paint, you should definitely look into grabbing a can and get your finished projects squared away! Just be light with the spray.

Do you use any Model masters products for your hobby? What kind of protection do you coat your models in? 

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