The Actual Number of Primaris Lieutenant Models is Wild

Primaris Lieutenant movie-how-many-40k-warhammerWith the addition of a new exclusive Primaris Bladeguard Lieutenant, you’ll never guess the number of LT 40k models there are now!

Let’s be honest with ourselves, we all love to meme on Lieutenants, but they have feelings too! So next time you make fun of them, just remember they might cry themselves to sleep that night.

You’ll Never Guess The Number of Primaris Lieutenant Models Now

space-marines-9th-edition wal horAnyway, here is a look at all the current Priamris Lieutenant models so we can see how many there actually are and you can pick your favorite champion.

Heck, maybe GW can make a fighter video game with just them as the characters, that would be fun!

#1 Custodes Get Their Own (?)

shadow throne blade championLet’s start with the new codex rumor, that the Blade Champion is actually a new Lieutenant level character as well for the Adeptus Custodes! They were sitting sadly in the corner without enough of the pivotal modes, so thank the big guy on the throne for answering their prayers!

#2 Primaris Lieutenant With Storm Shield

Warhammer Day Exclusive MinisNext up, this Lieutenant is getting a ton of limelight as he’s taking an exclusive spot. It’s really not fair to his fellow Lieutenants because he isn’t anything special, just the most recent. Still, the new guys get all the love. At least he has a shield? Maybe that’s something…

#3 Amulius

primaris lieutenant amulius

We’re not sure what the fascination is with releasing Lieutenants as exclusives, but hey, who didn’t need another guy holding a helmet.

#4 Reiver Armor Version

reiver armor lieutenantThis is honestly a really cool mini, and again, you need a lieutenant on every part of the battlefield, so why wouldn’t you have this one?

#5 The Power Sword One

lieutenant power swordHe may not look like much, but trust us, he would beat at least two Guardsmen at once, maybe even with one hand tied behind his back.

#6 Tolmeron

TolmeronEven the mighty Blood Angels need their own Lieutenant! Plus, you know this guy has seen some battle, just look at that badass scar.

#7 Zakariah

zakariahIs he loyal? Is he not? Who really cares, he’s still a proud lieutenant! Just don’t get on his bad side because you know he has good torture methods.

3dartguy ruler cropGet The New Sci-Fi Ruler Miniature!

#8 5ooth Store Dude

lieutenant storeAre you noticing a pattern yet? GW must have a backlog of lieutenant designs, and anytime something important happens, bam, just break a new one out!

#9 Calsius 

lieutenant calsiusThis guy was hard to get as he was only from the collectible magazine, but his amazing haircut (better than a rat tail, maybe…) makes up for any issues.

#10 Space Wolves Battle Leader

space wolves battle leaderWhile he’s not technically called a lieutenant, we all know it’s the same thing, you aren’t fooling anyone Space Wolves!

#11 Phobos Armor


phobos lieutenantWhen you don’t want to be seen, this lieutenant is just the mini you need. Plus, at this point, why not just make a full army of lieutenants.

#12 Dark Imperium

Dark ImperiumThis probably has the most firepower of any lieutenant, so you know he’s the man.

#13 Dark Imperium Needs More

Dark Imperium 2Ah, one of the first lieutenants out there, just a true beauty, and the Dark Imperium is a big place, so obviously, they needed two lieutenants!

#14 The Most Important One

dead lieutenantLet’s all be honest here, this is our favorite lieutenant out of all of them! The poor guy is getting ground into the dirt under the might of Abaddon!

#15 The Sneakiest of Lieutenants

black templars sword brethren 2The reason this one is sneaky, it was originally more of a captain, but GW just hated that idea. So what did they do? They made him a full-fledged lieutenant! Because what would a Space Marine release be without a trusty lieutenant?

lieutenant castellanIf you don’t believe us, just look at the rules in the new supplement. So while this may be a little undercover, he’s still a true lieutenant and had to be included in this list!

#16 The One From Indomitus

Indomitus LieutenantWhen you need a shield and a Plasma Pistol, this is the guy for you! Considering Indomitus had so many minis, this guy ran a little under the radar, but he’s still a strong lieutenant!

A New Battle Box

primaris lieutenantsThis amazing box graphic comes from Reddit.  If it was real, it would be the perfect way to get your full lieutenant force in one easy buy. Let’s just hope the value is there so people will jump on it- lol.

So currently there are around 16 Primaris Lieutenant models in Warhammer 40k, but Games Workshop is probably just warming up.

All the Newest GW Model Previews For November & Beyond

How many of these Primaris Lieutenants do you have? What is your favorite? 

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