The Black Templars 40k Army Box Off to a Rocky Start

black-templars-army-box-pricing-value-worthThe New Black Templars Army Box release seems to have flopped, at least on Games Workshop’s end- here’s why.

With the release being really hyped up and the queue even being put into place for the initial release, it doesn’t seem to be doing all that much. Especially when you consider GW said it would all be over by Monday morning, but it’s still up on the site, and not even MTO yet.

This doesn’t necessarily mean people didn’t buy it, so let’s take a look at what could be going on.

The Black Templars 40k Army Box Release Has Flopped…

black termplars flopWe time-stamped this photo just to show when GW said the limited stock would be, well, it’s over 24 hours later and still, it hasn’t been changed from pre-order to MTO status. It looks like we might have another Dominion on our hands where they expect something to be super limited and it ends up hanging around for weeks.

Since they didn’t allocate the boxes, there is a chance that tons of people bought this from their local store, but we expect it also had to do with the value of the box and the fact you receive so few minis. It really looks like people are making their voices heard by voting with their hobby dollars.

Let’s check out the value one more time, and see why that could have hurt the release.

Black Templars Army Box Value

Black Templars Army Box Revealed gencon army shot

The Army Set contains 13 miniatures, including 12 new Black Templars – a Marshal, the Emperor’s Champion, and a 10-man Primaris Crusader Squad with a ton of build options. You’ll also get a Redemptor Dreadnought, for targets that require a more forceful elimination.

These could all change, but we think the values below are pretty spot-on:

  • Primaris Crusader Squad $60 (Based on other Space Marine Intercessors)
  • Redemptor Dreadnought $65 (existing kit)
  • Emperor’s Champion $40 (based on recent character releases)
  • Marshal $35 (this could be on the low end, might go up to $40)
  • Codex:$30 (not really a limited edition because of production numbers & resale price)
  • Datacards: $25

Total MSRP: $255

Estimated Value: $55

The new box will cost $200, and the value is basically identical to the Orks Beast Snagga box minus $20 for a supplement codex book instead of the main one at $50 (you still need the Space Marine codex book to use).

We think this is the main issue. It’s hard to spend $200 on something when it only gives you $55 worth of value (which is basically a paywall for early access to the book and cards), and we know all of these sets will be available later on for purchase seperately.

Here’s our review of the new miniatures and the box itself:

Looks like GW likes that price point for both value and pricing.

Still, if you want it looks like you can still get it delivered on release day. So that’s pretty cool if you missed out or you’re a huge Templars fan.

Just remember, the best thing you can do is vote with your hobby dollars to let Games Workshop know what is of value to you.

All the Latest on the New Black Templars

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