The Celestant-Prime is Sigmar’s Ultimate Champion

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The Celestant-Prime is one of the most powerful beings Sigmar sends to the battlefields to thwart evil and save the human realms!

If you like warriors coming back to life to fight for the good of the human realms, then this lore is for you. Even though Sigmar only brings backs the strongest of warriors, not all are created equal and the Prime is actually on par with the power of the greatest Daemons, so don’t mess around with them! Get out your biggest hammer and let’s learn about some lore!

In the World

lord celestant primeWith Sigmar’s vast legions of Stormcasts Eternals fighting without end to reclaim the Mortal Realms for their lord. One had to have been the first, the template the others were built from. This being is the Celestant-Prime, the first of the Stormcast Eternals. Who’s power and might overshadows even the greatest of Daemons. He does not belong to anyone Stormhost but to Sigmar himself and thus all the Stormhosts. He aids his beleaguered comrades in their hour of need with righteous fury. Wielding Ghal Maraz, the Hammer of Sigmar to carve a bloody path through all the enemies of Order.

Who the Celestant-Prime was in a previous life is unknown. All we know for sure is that he was one of mankind’s greatest champions, a great king and warrior from a darkening age. When this champion was taken by Sigmar and forged into the first Stormcast Eternal, he remained incomplete. Without Ghal Maraz he would not awake even with all the power Sigmar infused into the Celestant-Prime. After the Stormcast Eternal legions were set loose upon the Mortal Realms, they searched for Ghal Maraz. When it was eventually found and reunited with Sigmar, The Celestant-Prime arose with thunder so powerful it rolled across all the realms. Ever since then the Celestant-Prime has wielded Ghal Maraz.

The Celestant-Prime doesn’t lead armies like a general or crash into warlike frontline units. The Celestant-Prime only goes where he is needed most. Where any army aligned with Order finds itself in a desperate battle they can’t win. The Celestant-Prime appears to turn the tide. He appears in the livery of whatever force he reinforces and uses Ghal Maraz and Cometstrike Sceptre to rain death and destruction upon the foe. Whilst he does that his mere presence inspires his allies to fight even harder and push forwards to victory.

On the Field

celestant-primeOn the Tabletop of the Mortal Realms, the Celestant-Prime is a true centerpiece model of any Stormcast Eternal army. With his immense stature and large 100mm base, he can easily block off chokepoints while bringing down death. He is rather pricy at 300 points and is of course unique, can’t go running two Celestant-Primes. With his 8 wounds and 3+ save he’s able to shrug off all sorts of attacks coming his way. As his model hints at, the Celestant-Prime can fly, terrain and units are no problem for the mobility of Sigmar’s champion.

The Celestant-Prime is armed with Ghal Maraz, the Hammer of Sigmar. A legendary and powerful weapon rumoured to be older than the Mortal Realms themselves. With its powerful 3 attacks, 3+ to hit, 2+ to wound, -3 rend and 3 damage it is a weapon that can easily slay even the most powerful foes. No matter the horde or the monster all are terrified of Ghal Maraz. The Celestant-Prime also wields the Cometstrike Sceptre. Allowing him to rain death during the shooting phase on any enemy brave enough to stand in his way.

The Celestant-Prime is often kept in reserve for a turn. If you declare him to stay in reserves after the movement phase, Ghal Maraz gains 2 attacks for the rest of the battle, making his retribution even more powerful. When he is taken from reserves and descends from the heavens to aid his allies. Enemy units within 12″ lose 2 to their bravery stat, cowering in fear at the mere sight of Sigmar’s champion. Furthermore using his Orrery of Celestial Fates he is able to manipulate his own chances, allowing you to change certain rolls to ones that suit your goals better.

The Celestant-Prime is the first and probably best Stormcast Eternal ever forged.

Learn More About Celestant-Prime Here!