These Flesh-Eater Courts Army Box Set Values Are Hot Fire!

These Flesh-Eater Courts Army Box Set Values Are Hot Fire!Here are the savings and value for the Flesh-Eater Courts army box set for AoS in our pricing breakdown- check it out!

The new Flesh-Eater Courts Army Box Set is here for Age of Sigmar, but what kind of value can we expect to score with it? The box comprises 25 new minis and is just the starting point for new models! However, the real question is, what kind of value will you save with this box?

If you want early access to the battletome and the new minis, this is really the only way to do it. However, they usually come out a couple of weeks later. So if you can’t get your hands on a box, maybe don’t go too crazy paying higher prices on the secondary market as the battletome and models should be released separately soon after.

Flesh-Eater Courts Army Box Set $200 €155 £120

Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | eBay | or | Games Workshop’s Store

Flesh-eater Courts Army Set

The set contains 25 completely new plastic miniatures: one mighty Abhorrant Gorewarden as general, his trusty Varghulf Courtier, three lightning-fast Morbheg Knights, and 20 obdurate Cryptguard.

You’ll also find an exclusive launch edition of the new 88-page Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts, plus 27 warscroll cards, 30 tokens, and 33 enhancement cards, all of which are only available in this set (though the battletome will be released separately in a different format). In short, it’s everything a general needs to set out on a Crimson Crusade in Ushoran’s name. This set is available while stocks last.

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts Models

Flesh-Eater Courts Army Box Set Value:

  • 20 obdurate Cryptguard $110 ($55 for 10, based on the recent release of Freeguild Steelhelms)
  • Abhorrant Gorewarden $38 (based on recent character releases)
  • Varghulf Courtier $45 (based on recent releases of similar size)
  • Morbheg Knights $60 (based on Aggradon Lancers)
  • Battletome $55 (current battletome pricing, cards should be added value)

Total MSRP: $343

Total savings versus the $200 box price: $143

Is the FEC Army Box Worth It?

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts ModelsIt also has about $40 more in value (so far) than the Cities of Sigmar Army box, which didn’t release warscroll cards separately either. Also worth mentioning is that the two character sets in the CoS army box were only available directly from Games Workshop at launch; they were not sold to stores.

So, there is a chance that some of these items will be double paywalled here in the army box and behind the Warhammer webstore at launch.

New AoS Flesh Eater Courts Models

While the value isn’t super high on the actual miniature side of things (as the battletome and cards make up nearly $100 of value), this box saves you a ton overall! Considering you’d have to buy the battletome either way, this gets you a bunch of minis for “free” and early access to the new minis and rules.

Just on the miniature side of the value, you save about $50, so not only do you get the intrinsic value of new minis, but you actually get decent savings as well. Overall, it’s a decent buy for pretty much anyone starting the army or existing players who want the rules and a bunch of new minis.

Start Collecting Flesh Eater Courts: What to Buy Next?

If you’re on a quest to start collecting Flesh Eater Courts, what should you buy next? Well, that really depends on whether you want all the new minis or not! If you do, you’ll have to wait a little for individual releases, but there are plenty of amazing new characters to fill out your army (that we expect pretty much all players to grab).

Either way, this gives you a decent starting force with 20 infantry, some monsters, and mounted minis. This box lets you go either for a heavy monster/mounted army (and they have plenty of cool ones), or you can use this as a starting point for a mass infantry army!

All The AoS Vanguard Boxes: Pricing & Value Breakdown

Will you be picking up the Flesh Eater Courts Army Launch Box, and do you like the value and savings inside as you start collecting?

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