With the recent Advent Engines, the internet is ablaze with new 40k model releases and rules rumors for Eldar- check out the latest!
Tons of new rumors are out and about for the Eldar Aeldari faction as they have been the main focus of the Advent Engine rumors so far.
The latest list of rumors was spotted on Faeit 212 from an unnamed source. However, they do mention, they aren’t sure how solid these are. So since they are rumors, take these with as much or little salt as you want! They aren’t just rules either, they also have a lot of rules as well.
With that said, there’s a ton of rumors, so let’s get into them! Oh, and keep in mind these were from early December, so a lot of these new Eldar rumors are already confirmed.
Tons of New Model & 40k Rules Rumors for Eldar
The first rumors, and obviously very low-hanging, were that we would see new Ranger and Guardian models, which we know to be fact now.
New Aspect Warriors
There are a ton of rumors about the Aspect Warriors, so we’ll put a lot of them together.
- New Striking Scorpions: similar to old models, but greater variance of poses, Exarch’s chainsword is inbuilt in his gauntlet. Leader model has chainsword klaive.
- Howling banshee: jumping in mid air, cloaked with flowing strips not unlike spectres but horizontally, glaive.
- New Warp spiders: high heads with multiple eyes. Smaller backpack with web effect. Smaller sleeker weapon, held by two additional mechanical arms. Phoenix Lord has four additional mechanical arms and is held by two of them on a web of wraithbone in a monklike pose.
Dire Avengers leader: one to one 2nd edition cover rendition.
New Shining Spears: standard jetbikes with underslung smaller canopy that bends on one side upwards to shield the rider, very short wings, but huge hair tail from rear, rider has multilayered plates like water ripples, knightly helmet with huge antlers, laserlances. There is a variant without the additional, upside-down canopy with Guardian helmets, axes, larger wings in the form of the Avatar helmet.
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We’ll have to see on this, but we have heard from many sources that the Aspect Warriors will be the biggest rework in the codex and model range. So even if everything doesn’t come to fruition, we expect some of it has to based on need/principle.
Character Rumors
- Karandras: Slightly crouching on top of ruins. The claw is even smaller than the old version, but the chainsword is massive. The segmentation of the scorpion helm is similar to the Drukhari armour style, but the rest is Craftworld style with these yellow scorpion bars, except that karandras is in a very dark green and the bars are bone-colored. There is a picture of this miniature and Drazhar next to each other and the arc on the base is a continuation of on of Drazhar’s stone arcs.
- Asurmen: Similar to the old model, but the helmet is more layered-samurai-like and he stands on a huge column with a relief of battling Eldar.
With them doing so many Aspect Warrior changes, it would only make sense to change up some of the characters that are this old. Just look at that old Asurmen, if a mini needs an update, we might put him up as a front runner.
Army Wide Rules
Battle Focus: ignores the first negative shooting modifier and resolves the rest normally
This could easily make sense with the army and we’ve heard similar before. This next one is super long, so we’ll be paraphrasing it.
Path of Asuryan:
Unit Rules
There is also an insane number of rules, so we’re going to pick out some of our favorites:
- Farseer: still 2 powers. Witchblade is S+2 AP-2 D2 now. Path of the Farseer: +2 to all psychic tests, two meditations. Solo warlocks and spirit seers can also cast 2 powers, but only deny one. spirit seers draw from revenant runes discipline.
- Asurmen: has two separate sets of rules. Only martial harmony rule is in both, no limitations for shrine creeds. Starts every (own?) turn with an aura, 3++, parry, fallback and do stuff. And can switch when aspect warrior destroys unit or model (don’t remember which): +2 attacks, reroll hits and wounds, shoot twice with D3, reroll charge.
- Dire Avenger/Guardians: both 4+ Save, Shuriken catapult Assault 3 18″ S4, AP-1, Only Dire Avengers have the AP on 6 rule. Dire Avengers are the only (or the only one I am aware of) that have a baked-in shrine creed and can take another: Defend(+1 Sv against attacks from units within 24″).
Rangers: cannot be targeted by units when no enemy unit is within 18″ at all when in terrain. Can shoot twice as long as pathfinder leader lives.
That does it for a ton of rumors, but again, these are rumors so take them with a grain of salt!
All the Newest GW Eldar News & Rumors
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