Top 15 Army Lists in 8th Edition 40k From ATC’s

hor of space marine and chaos

Come see the top 15 40k army lists that were played at the American Team Championships this weekend, as 58 teams participated in weekend of matches.

Let’s take a look at the Top 3 teams of ATC 2017!


The ATC is the first “Major” tournament of 8th edition and brings with along a lot of powerful lists.  Despite the unique team format, most of the lists from the top ATC players and winning team will shape the meta until the NOVA Open next month.

As we reported yesterday

There was a three way tie for first between Mike Welch (Daemons), Cater Leach (Eldar), and Brad Chester (Blood Angels). First, Second and Third, was determined by battlepoints by team, with first going to Chester of team Fluffy Bunnies.

Several powerhouse teams from last year returned to test their lists. Most teams played a declination of 3 lists: The Razorwing Flock Spam, Dante and Storm Ravens, and Guiliman with Whatever. A lot of teams also throw in Guard blobs, that are great defender armies usually and Daemons with the Changeling that are great choice for defending lists because of the added resilience.

Several powerhouse teams from last year returned to test their lists. Most teams played a declination of 3 lists: The Razorwing Flock Spam, Dante and Storm Ravens, and Guiliman with Whatever.

A lot of teams also throw in Guard blobs, that are great defender armies usually and Daemons with the Changeling that are great choice for defending lists because of the added resilience.


First thing about the ATC army lists is that they are super spammy. That’s how the top players roll at the dawn of 8th Edition:

Commentary by  Mismatched Play

1- Dante + Storm Ravens
 Stormravens are pretty good.  They pack a  whole lot of shooting for cheap, defend really well versus assault, get defensive bonus versus shooting. Combined with cheap units from the inquisition and a buff-totting Dante that can Jump Pack around and you have yourself a mobile firebase.

2-  Razorwing Spam
If you thought the 7th Bark-star was painful, brace for impact bro. The Caw-Caw Spam features everything you loathe and hate ( but somehow love) : annoying beasts and Ynnari.

3- Guilliman and UltraWhatever
Guilliman is one of the best unit in the game right now, so spamming it with pretty much whatever sounds good. The 3 options that seem most popular are Storm Ravens, Devastators or, like the example list, Razorbacks. Razorbacks are durable units (high toughness and lots of wounds) that pack a couple of guns, usually Twin Assault Canon and a Hunter Killer Missile, that combined with Guilliman’s re-roll everything is just too good to pass on. And you can take 1 of them per other unit in your Force Org, code name for easy to spam.

Final Standings for ATC 2017:


1. Team Happy – Their Full Lists

  • Aaron Aleong – Dante+Ravens
  • Aaron Towler – Guiliman+Ad Mech Gunline
  • Justin Curtis –  Flying Circus Daemons
  • Tim Gorham – GK Ravens
  • Tony Grippando – Tempestus & Blobs

2. Beast Coast – Their Full Lists

  • Brad Nichols – Guiliman+RB+Scouts
  • Like Riabowol – Yncarne+ Rzorwing Flock
  • Nick Nanavati – Brimstone/Changeling + Bloatdrones
  • Tony Kopach – Tempestus Drop+ Tauroxes
  • Werner Born – Dante+Raven BA



3. Wobbly Modelers – Their Full Lists

  • Austin Wingfield – Genestealer Cults
  • Ernan Rodriguez – Chaos Daemons + Magnus the Red
  • Kelsey Haley – Astra Militarum
  • Max Dubios – Guilliman + Devastators + Scouts
  • Stephen Fore – Craftworld Crimson Hunters + Ynnari

Seeing a pattern of sorts there? Looks like the Top 3 teams from ATC 2017 will definitely be shaping the meta of play until the next big event, and quite possibly beyond…

For more ATC breakdowns checkout Mismatched Play as well.