Top 3 40k Army Lists: Bold City Freedom Fisticuffs GT

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-hor-2Three Warhammer 40k army lists dominated the recent Bold City Freedom Fisticuffs GT tournament with one going undefeated over the weekend!

The Bold City Freedom Fisticuffs GT Tournament is over and now we’re able to look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what the winners brought in their armies.

Top 3 Warhammer 40k Army Lists: Bold City Freedom Fisticuffs GT


best coast pairingsThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

3rd Place: Benjamin Cromer – Ultramarines

Ultramarine Wal Hor


bold city ultra 1


bold city ultra 2


bold city ultra 3


2nd Place: Jack Harpster – Adepta Sororitas

sister wal hor Adepta Sororitas sisters of battle


bold city sister 1


bold city sister 2


bold city sister 3

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bold city sister 4

1st Place: Dan Monsalve – Cult Mechanicus

engine war ad mech wal hor


bold city admech 1Dan went for two detachments with the first led by two Tech-Priests. The Dominus can help reroll hits and heal models, while Manipulus can buff ap and heal models, making for a pretty good leadership combo. Rangers serve as basic troops and 20 extra bodies help a lot when you add in rerolls and need to grab objectives.

10 Infiltrators also provided extra game utility and can prevent enemy rerolls within 12″.

bold city admech 2The second detachment is led by a Marshal who provides valuable re-rolls on a very cheap body. Add in 20 more troops and 10 more infiltrators and you’ve got more chaff and some more redundancy.

bold city admech 3Fast Attacks have 9 Ironstriders. Ironstriders are fantastic range options that also have great mobility and decent durability. Easily one of the best tried and tested Ad Mech models.

Finally, there are 14 raiders, which add a bit of mobility for when you might need it, whether that’s grabbing an objective or finishing off a wounded unit across the board.

Grats to Dan for the win!

Ad Mech have won this time, but what do you think about all three of these most recent lists? 

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