Top 3 40k Army Lists: Glasshammer GT #3 Tournament

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-horThree Warhammer 40k army lists dominated the recent Glasshammer GT #3 tournament with one going undefeated over the weekend!

The Glasshammer GT #3 Tournament is over and now we’re able to look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what the winners brought in their armies.

Top 3 40k Army Lists: Glasshammer GT #3 Tournament


best coast pairingsThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

3rd Place: Matthew Chinn- Necrons

necron wal


dicehead necron 1


dicehead necron 2

2nd Place: Mike Porter- White Scars

white scares hor wal


dicehead white scars

assassins-bundle-featureGet All Four Assassins For The Price of One Now!

dicehead white scars 2

1st Place: Vik Vijay- Adepta Sororitas

sister wal hor Adepta Sororitas sisters of battle


glasshammer 3 sister 1Vik’s first detachment is led by Morven Vahl, an absolute powerhouse of character who can throw down in combat and still provide valuable abilities to your list like rerolls. There is also a single base squad of Battle Sisters, just to have bodies and fill out the requirement for the detachment.

Elites bring in 5 Sacresants, who have the sweet bonus of protecting characters, like Big Boss Vahl from ranged fire, making it hard for your opponents to focus fire her down as she is a huge threat. Fast Attacks see the inclusion of 10 Dominions with 8 running Storm Bolters, helping cull chaff and even being able to kill 2 wound models.

glasshammer 3 sister 2

Heavy Supports bring two Retributor squads running Multi Meltas, serving as the main ranged anti-armor threats to help take care of bigger models. Lastly, for the first detachment, there are two rhinos, which can help transport a few models and protect them for at least the first turn or give them extra movement.

glasshammer 3 sister 3

The second detachment is led by Celestine, who is still very good, with a ton of abilities and good combat stats. There are also five more Sacresants to protect your characters and a Dogmata giving access to Hymns.

Fast Attacks start out with 15 Seraphim, who have a ton of mobility and focus on assault, without being very expensive. These are great for cleaning up damage squads or grabbing lone objectives efficiently.

glasshammer 3 sister 4Finishing Fast Attacks, there are also 15 base Zephyrim, add more harsh potential and even more mobility for cleaning up or grabbing objectives. Finally, there is a single Retributor squad running Heavy Flamers to assist with chaff clearing on the front lines.

Grats to Vik for the win!

Sisters have won this time, but what do you think about all three of these most recent lists? 

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