Top 5 Things To Know: 8th Edition 40k FAQ

8th Edition Rule Book POST

The 8th Edition FAQ has been out for a hot minute now, and here are the top five things you need to know from it to improve your gaming!

The FAQ, referred to as the Designer’s Commentary, was released on Warhammer Community. We were expecting a FAQ to be released, and for the most part, it answers several questions concerning the more vague aspects of the 8th rules that we have discussed here and on the Long War podcasts.

There are some juicy tidbits in this FAQ that will definitely help you in the long run. These are slightly more advanced points than the other simpler FAQ topics but are very important. Be sure to check out our full break down of the top five FAQ points in the video linked below.

Here are the Top Five FAQ points that you need to know.

  •  Q: If a rule or ability grants a re-roll on, for example, ‘hit rolls of 1’ (such as a Space Marine Captain’s ‘Rites of Battle’ ability) does that effect trigger before or after applying modifiers to the hit rolls? A: Re-rolls always happen before modifiers, so the re-roll ability is triggered before applying modifiers.
  • Q: What happens if a unit that has become split up during battle cannot re-establish unit coherency the next time it moves? A: In this case the unit cannot move
  • Q: Can you declare charges against units that are not visible to the charging unit? A: Yes.
  • Q: If any of your units are eligible to fight in the Fight phase, can you choose for them not to fight this turn? Also, if any of your units charged in the Charge phase, do they have to fight first in the Fight phase, or can you choose for them to wait until later in the phase? A: All eligible units must fight in the Fight phase; they cannot ‘pass’ and wait for another phase. Additionally, a unit must fight when it is its time to do so; it cannot ‘hold’ in order to fight later in the phase. So if a unit charged in the preceding Charge phase, it must fight before any non-charging models in the Fight phase (barring any related abilities).
  • Q: If a unit piles in or consolidates into a unit it didn’t declare a charge against in the preceding Charge phase, does that unit get to fire Overwatch? A: No. …can only make close combat attacks against units that they declared the charge 

Rob Baer Boogie Board

Spikey Bits’ very own Rob Baer breaks down the Top Five FAQ points and even busts out the Boogie Board for further in-depth tips and tactics analysis. Also, if you need a quick reference, our previous article will give you the entire FAQ plus some commentary.

Be sure to check out the full Tips and Tactics vid for the complete breakdown.

For more on the FAQ and all things Warhammer, visit Games Workshop!

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