Top Warhammer 40k Army List: Lone Star Open

lone-star-openOne Warhammer 40k army list came out on top and dominated the recent Frontline Gaming Lone Star Open beating out the competition over the weekend!

The Frontline Gaming Lone Star Open is over and now we’re able to look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top!

LSO 2021 feature (1)Frontline Gaming is known throughout the hobby as a big name in tournament organizing, and this was no different. This was a multiple-day event, with some huge names in wargaming.

It was 3 days of pure wargaming at the Delta Hotels Dallas Allen with part of the proceeds will benefiting the Heart to Heart Foundation. It had all kinds of tournaments like 40k, AoS, Legion, Armada, and more! This was a huge premier tournament in the West and Frontline Gaming hosts a few each year on this scale. If you want to get in on the next one, keep your eyes peeled!

Now let’s check out what the winner brought in their army.

Top Warhammer 40k Army List: Lone Star Open

best coast pairingsThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

1st Place: John Lennon – Adepta Sororitas

sisters wal hor celestine of battle warhammer top army lists


Starting outfirst there is a Patrol of Bloody Rose. It is led by a Morvenn Vahl and a Repentia Superior (included in No Force Org Slot). Morvenn is an absolute beat-stick and even comes with valuable rerolls to benefit the rest of the list. The Repentia Superior really just cares about Repentia, giving them bonuses to wound rolls and allowing a unit the advance and charge in a turn. She also has the nice bonus of not taking up a detachment slot.

Troops see 5 Battle Sisters added with base loadouts. This adds a few cheap bodies that can lay down a few shots and get to benefit from Morvenn’s reroll aura. In Elites,  16 Repentia join in, and thanks to the Repentia Superior, they are even better at getting in and starting melee.

Last in the patrol ar 8 Zephyrim. These add a good amount of mobility to help move around the map and clean up straggling squads.

The Second and larger detachment is an Outrider Order of the Ebon Chalice led by Saint Celestine. Celestine has a ton of unique abilities, but ultimately she is hard to kill, very mobile, hits hard, and makes nearby sisters harder to kill. All in all, a steal for her price point.

Jumping straight into Elites, there are 9 Sacresants, which are decent melee combatants in their own right, but really come full circle thanks to their ability to protect your characters, making them even harder to kill and more than likely lasting into the later round of the game. There is also a Dogmata who helps with Battle Hymns to buff the rest of the list.

Fast Attacks start off with 10 Dominion Sisters, 8 of which are armed with Artificer Storm Bolters. This gives them a great number of shots each turn and at 2 damage a pop they can even kill things like marines with ease.

The other half of Fast attacks is 10 Seraphim. These offer some decent close-range weapons, but ultimately help out a ton thanks to their extreme mobility. Heavy Supports bring in 10 Retributors, 4 with Meltas, and 4 with Heavy Flamers. This gives each of the squads good anti-armor shots and great chaff clearing at any time one or the other is needed.

Rounding out the detachment there are 2 Rhinos, to help transport a few troops up the board without getting harrassed by enemy firepower.

The last thing on the list is a Battle Sanctum. This can help generate additional miracle dice throughout the game, and thanks to how you place it, you can make it more advantageous and even block some line of sight from the enemy’s threats and your forces.

Overall this list has a ton going on. It has mobility, anti-armor, chaff clearing, melee threats, ranged threats, and even options to deal mortal wounds. This is a very flexible list that seems to have an answer to everything. Based on how it did, that might just be true.

Grats to Lennon for the win!

Sisters have won this time, but what do you think about this most recent list? 

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