Wargames Atlantic: Great War French Soldiers Almost Ready

French Soldiers feature rGreat War French soldiers are almost ready! They can be used for either portion of history, so you know tons of thought is going into them.

Wargames Atlantic is always coming out with incredible new models and their kits are always affordable and full of detail. We’re guessing these new soldiers will be no exception. We’re hoping they’ll stick to the script where you’ll get 32 soldiers for only $35. Pretty hard to beat minis at basically a dollar apiece.

Help France break free from the grip of the Germans with these amazing fighters. Just like with all of their other kits, even if you don’t use these for the original purpose, they make perfect bits for conversions. At the price, you can’t go wrong either way. It’s always good to find cheaper alternative minis, and we love to help support these great companies! Let’s jump into the preview.

Great War French Soldiers

French Soldiers 2


French SoldiersViva La Resistance! They ran into a couple of problems with the sprue layout, but what was their solution? just make more parts! So it’s a win, win for everyone! We’ll let them tell you a little bit more about what’s happening:

Not all those parts are fitting on the sprue! Sadly, this is a common issue as our enthusiasm gets the better of us and we try to cram on everything along with the kitchen sink!  Fear not! There is a solution! We made MORE parts!

Because this set will let you cover both WW1 and early WW2 we wanted to give you even more WW2 options. So we’ve added more Berthier rifles along with some MAS-38s to join the backpacks and FM-24/29 light machine guns that were already in the set. 

French Soldiers 3


French Soldiers 4'

We will be expanding onto a second sprue so that this can be a truly exceptional set. All the new parts are finished and we are in the final layout now with tooling to commence very soon. We will keep you updated! 

PS All these arms will also fit our soon-to-be-released WW2 French Resistance set too

That does it for this one! If you’ve been looking for some great alternative minis, you have to check out everything they have to offer!

Learn More About the French Minis Here!