Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault Pics SPOTTED

By Wesley Floyd | September 12th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors, Warhammer Underworlds

We’ve got the latest pics from the newest Warhammer Underworld’s game on the way. Nightvault is the next expansion from Shadespire, check it out!

Just a quick heads up for fans of GW’s next hex based game, Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire and Warhammer Underworlds Nightvault are two different things. They are in the same universe and a part of the same game, but Nightvault is not Shadespire.

This morning, we’ve got the latest pics of the board game all set out on display thanks to Tower Games from Twitter.

Check out the earlier previews on Nightvault to get caught up.

Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault

Previews Courtesy of Warhammer Community.

Shadespire has been out for a while now and it looks like Games Workshop decided to branch out from their board game they started. Nightvault looks like it may be a continuation of the Shadespire that originally took place in the Mirrored City.


Nightvault is season 2 of Warhammer Underworlds, bringing eight new warbands, hundreds of cards and new mechanics to the game.

In keeping up with the events in AoS 2.0, GW is showcasing Nighthaunt and Stormcast Warbands first.

nighthaunt warband

The Nighthaunt Chainrasp Warband are going to be lead by the Wraith Witch (i.e Briar Queen).

stormcast warband

Nightvault also features a brand new system of magic spells – powerful gambits and attack actions usable only by sorcerers. Spells add an additional layer of tactical depth to the game, as well as a number of interesting considerations when building your deck, promising to shake up tournaments (not to mention your games with your mates) considerably.

Be on the lookout for spells being introduced into Warhammer Underworlds. This will be an entirely new phase of the game.

nightvault 1

With new Warbands comes new cards!

squig warband

Speaking of Warbands, the Squig is going to be a model for a coming faction. Look similar to something we’ve seen before?

fungoid troll

This was previewed earlier by Warhammer Community. The Fungus Troll and Squig look like they’ll be fighting for the same team.

Latest Nightvault Pics SPOTTED

nightvault pic 1

We’ve got an early look at what the board will look like on top of the Warband cards. We just can’t really make out what kind of stats the models will have.

The Nighthaunt are going to be coming in a spooky green color with Stormcast in the usual dark blue.

It looks like the GW team decided to spice up map interaction a little bit more as well. Look at the top of the cardboard token cards. The entire top row is full of what looks to be a mix of objectives, pitfalls, treasure, and stairs(?)

Shadespire was a success and now we’re seeing the expansion from the base game. It’s looking up to be quite promising considering we’ll have eight Warbands in this set and a new map. What do you think about Nightvault? Which Warband are you wanting to play?

Could you make out any of the stats from the data cards? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

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