Wave Serpents Have Left the Building!??

By Rob Baer | July 9th, 2013 | Categories: Eldar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Well it looks like one of the BEST units from the new Eldar Codex is out of print, and has gone to direct order only according to the tubes.

What does this mean for the rest of us? Well it looks like it’s going to be a little harder to make Mechanized Eldar for the foreseeable future.

On the plus side, we still have a pretty good supply of the new Eldar releases, as well as some of the older kits for sale right now in the Spikey Bits Store.

To get our Games Workshop Product Catalog or place an order click HERE to email us at , or call us at (804) 869-2487.

I’ll let you all speculate on the big picture of why we keep having product shortages from a vertically integrated company.. -MBG

Courtesy of Faeit
There is something going on with the Eldar Wave Serpent, which right now should be one of the most popular models around with the new codex. 

So most likely there is some new boxing going on, but could also mean that the Falcon could possibly become a dual kit with the Wave Serpent. Either way the model is not being discontinued, but could mean that getting a Wave Serpent, could be a little tougher for a little while.
On the GW site
This product is expected to despatch in one to two weeks. 
Part Code: 99120104023

via Kroothawk on Dakka
I can confirm that from July onward, the Wave Serpent is mail order only. No idea if it will be repacked later.