WH Underworlds Beastgrave: New Release Lineup & Pricing

warhammer gw store new releases

New rules and factions are coming out to give the Warhammer Underworlds a refresh!  It’s time to take a look at the new releases for Beastgrave!

GW is continuing its weekly releases with a WHU Expansion. New sets of rules and factions are coming in hot with this expansion, so let’s dive in!

WHU: Beastgrave Starter $70

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Beastgrave Expansion

Grashrak's Despoilers


Grashrak's Despoilers sprue 1


Grashrak's Despoilers sprue 2


Skaeth's Wild Hunt


Skaeth's Wild Hunt Sprue 1


Skaeth's Wild Hunt Sprue 2

The set contains:

– The complete and updated rules for Warhammer Underworlds, updated from Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault to be clearer, sharper and tighter than ever before, featuring thrilling new game mechanics like movable lethal hexes, as well as containing lore and art that explores Beastgrave itself.
– The complete Grashrak’s Ravagers warband – a pack of deadly beastmen looking to slay any who enter Beastgrave. Build your brayherd with 6 push fit plastic models, cast in brown plastic to ensure they stand out even when unpainted, plus fighter cards and a number of warband-specific cards that let you unleash their savage strategies in battle.
– The complete Skaeth’s Wild Hunt warband – a group of Kurnothi hunters with strange, nature-given power and ferocious prowess. Build your Kurnothi with 5 push fit plastic models, cast in green plastic, and build your decks with fighter cards and a number of warband-specific cards that let you harness their verdant power in battle.
– 2 double-sided gameboards that can be used to assemble your battlefield.
– (Probably) all the Warhammer Underworlds tokens you’ll ever need, including objectives, wound markers, glory points and much, much more.
– Dozens of Universal cards – gambits, objectives and upgrades that can be used by any warband, perfect for deck-building with Grashrak’s Ravagers and Skaeth’s Wild Hunt or bringing your favourite warband into Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave.
– 11 Dice – 5 Attack dice, 3 Defence dice and 3 Magic dice, enough for the most devastating blows, desperate defences and cataclysmic spell

Counter Set $15

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

Beastgrave Tokens

Many Warhammer Underworlds warbands in the new season have innovative new game mechanics involving counters, and while you’re free to use coins, dice or errant bones of amber for these, you’re best off using our dedicated Counter Set! Designed with the entire season in mind, this set provides you with all the counters you’ll need, including those for future warbands.

Grashrak’s Despoilers & Skaeth’s Wild Hunt Sleeves $12.50 ea.

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games
Beastgrave sleeves

Beastgrave Carrying Case $50

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Beastgrave case

Beastgrave Primal Lair Terrain $30

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

Primal Lair box


Beastgrave Terrain


Primal lair sprue 1


Primal lair sprue 2

Includes six different designs of sculpted tiles, including:
– 1 large animal skull and section of skeleton (takes up two hexes)
– 1 large skull resting on rocks (takes up one hex)
– 1 shard of realmstone (takes up one hex)
– 1 pit of acid (takes up one hex)
– 1 gaseous clouds forming from vents in the ground (takes up one hex)
– 1 set of tentacles emerging from a hole in the ground (takes up one hex)

This kit is supplied unbuilt in 20 plastic, push fit components.

Beastgrave Playmat $18

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Beastgrave mat

Beastgrave-Themed Deckbox $8

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Beastgrave card case

Grashrak’s Despoilers & Skaeth’s Wild Hunt Dice Packs $12.50 ea.

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market! or Dicehead Games

Beastgrave dice

Are you pumped for the new expansion? Will you be picking up either of the new factions? Or maybe you’re just excited for the new rules?

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