White Dwarf Magazine Spotted For Sale in a Strange Place

White Dwarf Feature rAs the hobby continues to boom, Warhammer products have shown up in non-LGS stores, increasing the chance to pick up new hobbyists!

Recently a White Dwarf was spotted on the shelves in Walmart. This might sound bad, but outreach to new customers is huge and might bring even more people into the LGS and trying out the game!

white dwarf at walmartWhile roaming our local Walmart we noticed a White Dwarf on the rack with other books! This issue, number 466, had the Dark Kraken rules, which we covered here.

Don’t forget, the McFarlane Figures can also be found at Walmart (with one in the past even being an exclusive) too! With the figures and now White Dwarf, the outreach of Warhammer seems to be increasing. Just like most magazines, people tend to be more likely to buy them while walking or waiting in checkout lines. This means potentially an even bigger audience might get interested in the cover and pick it up!

McFarlane Toys Action Figures 1Of course, an adult might do the same thing for themselves. If they do get it and get interested, then that means more players in an LGS to get the models and paint they saw inside the WD or depicted as a McFarlane Figure!

space marine adventures rise of the orks 2

As a side note, in the past, we’ve also seen Warhammer products at Barnes & Noble and Books A Million. So long as models stay at LGS then these are great expansions as they are sure to bring in more new hobbyists!

If you didn’t hear, next month’s White Dwarf will include updates for the Gargants in AoS, so be sure to get it if you play them… you might even spot it in a Walmart!

Are you happy with the proposition of more new players?

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