The Birdmen are coming? What the heck is all this talk of Tzeentchian “Birdmen” out there? Come see whats happening in Chaos land now!
There has been a lot said of late about GW’s first Age of Sigmar Boardgame: Hero Quest: Silver Tower (Tzeentch)
Hero Quest: Silver Tower
And now the “birdmen” topic:
While the LoC was finished only recently (and is not in this box), the design team did start off this larger project with some smaller AoS Beastmen minions (technically Birdmen, I suppose) of Tzeentch. Watch out for those.
Hastings chimes in:
I really like the idea of “beastmen” with something other than goat heads, back in the day I converted some with different animal heads (the cow head from the giant kit worked very well!) and it gave a much more chaotic feel to them. Hope these bird beastmen match the image I have in my head already.
We were told by a source yesterday of a possible list of Silver Tower minis for the Tzeentch side:
Which means the “birdmen” could be the cultists mentioned.
Chaos Opponents included:
12 Horrors
4 Screamers
2 Flamers
6 Cultists
1 Sorceror
1 Deamon Prince of Tzeentch (boss)
So is this part of this game, or a separate “Tzeentchy” releases slated later?
Hero Quest: Silver Tower
-there is nothing as constant as change
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