40k Rules – Who Controls the Spice Now?

By Rob Baer | May 18th, 2015 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k Rumors

The problem of exclusive supplements may sneaking up on us faster than a subterranean sandworm folks, let’s take a look.

First we saw the Exalted court of House Terryan as an ‘exclusive datasheet’ that basically cost $800 to get (or you can click the link for a free scan of it).

Then we saw the new Space Marine Command Tank release hit over the weekend as an ‘exclusive’ to Warhammer World, and now another supplement the Blood Oath has surfaced as well.

space marine command tank

So within two weeks we have three new ‘exclusive releases’ and that’s starting to cause quite a stir (and rightly it should).

There’s two sides to this coin the first being if you’re going to spend the money to get these items you’re going to want to play with them right? But what about ‘Joe Gamer’ that doesn’t have access to the same rules you do? He probably won’t want you to play with them if he can’t get them, or at least look at them.

But what may be worse about these rules are what the heck are tournament or league organizers supposed to do?

What do we allow now?

Do we allow the new rules if players provide copies to the organizers ahead of time?

I think at the very least when you step up to the table against any opponent that you have a social contract to have a good game of Warhammer with them, so clearly explaining what you have and how you’re using it is in order.

Sportsmanship is a two way street here, and I feel we should invest just as much effort in making sure our opponents are having just as good of a time during our games as we are.

Seems like now, more than ever, it’s time to be excellent to each other!
