Slaanesh Finally Gets the Spotlight: New Fiend REVEALED

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The Eldari / Slaanesh release train keeps on trucking with Games Workshop previewing Slaanesh models ahead of this month’s Ork release!

Warhammer Community previewed a new Slaanesh model today and it is absolutely jaw-droppingly detailed. If you missed it earlier follow along with all the hints and rumors that we got up to this point.

Slaanesh Wal Hor Slaanesh Finally Gets the Spotlight: New Fiend REVEALED

Slaanesh Finally Gets the Spotlight: New Fiend REVEALED

Rumors of Slaanesh & Ynnari

Sources have told us that we can expect to see not only a new box set for the Aeldari / Ynnari, but also some Slaanesh tidbits:

  • a new box set will come out similar to the Speed Freeks Box for Orks. Sources indicate it will be for Aeldari / Ynnari. CONFIRMED
  • Fiends of Slaanesh will be getting a new model (finally)
  • A new Slaaneshi model will feature a female looking form playing the harp on a guy’s skin
  • Fulgrim is also supposedly 100% in the works as well

Fiend of Slaanesh Model SPOTTED

Warhammer Community dropped a little teaser video showing some bits left on a sprue that had some real big spikey pieces on it. You couldn’t really tell from the video exactly what kind of model would fit the bits. But at the very end, the Fiend in all its glory was revealed.

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We just now saw the new model but there’s still no date for its release. Keep an eye out for this little monster soon.

We Should’ve Known Something Was Up…

People had a feeling that something for Slaanesh was probably coming. We just wouldn’t have guessed it would be this soon…

rumor engine claw

There was a rumor engine a while back that showed some kind of claw. It was originally up in the air between Tyranid and Slaanesh and it looks like it might have finally come down to Slaanesh after all.

fiend old

Old Fiend of Slaanesh Model

We are ecstatic that Slaanesh is FINALLY getting some recognition from the Games Workshop team. Even if the Slaanesh support stops here (let’s hope it doesn’t), the model was definitely due for an update and we can’t be upset about the change.

At the end of the day, the Fiend of Slaanesh is HUGE news to the gaming world. A lot of people want to play with Slaanesh/Emperor’s Children, but there’s hardly any focus on them. It makes starting their army a difficult journey.

What kind of support would you like to see Slaanesh get next? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.