The First Terminator – 40k Flashback

By Rob Baer | November 25th, 2020 | Categories: 40k Flashback, Space Marines

w0s7vMPLook familiar? Come see the first terminator models from GW.

Welcome to 40K Flashback where I dig deep for something cool that I have from back in the day, and they do look a lot like the the Guardians of the Elements from the movie, Fifth Element.

These guys date back to the dawning of the Imperium: Rogue Trader era circa 1988-89, and they were one of my first purchases back in the day as a wee lad.

I never really played the game till the mid-nineties (mostly cause I was bad at maths till then- and Nintendo was fun), but I still loved to paint and model for some reason.

Eventually I managed to paint these guys, and hey looks like I wasn’t too bad for a youngblood either!

I was shocked to find them again recently, and while I remembered them as being GW, couldn’t for the life of me remember seeing anything like them in the past 20 years.


So I went searching for pics to verify my claim, and sure enough the Stuff of Legends site had pictures of them from a very old catalog.

Check out some of the other “similar” models on the page.  Oh boy how the hobby has come a long way…

Checkout the 360 below, and have a great weekend! -MBG