Death Guard Tactical Squad Faestus

By Mihalis Skalkos | August 9th, 2013 | Categories: Death Guard, Home of Cadaver, Space Marines

Hello everybody! Cadaver here from Home Of Cadaver

It seems that we are living a Space Marine month with all these pictures of the new Space Marines releases coming up everywhere, so I thought I would showcase some of my marines too 🙂 .

As a follow up of my pre-heresy Mk1 Death Guard Land Raider here is my Death Guard Tactical Squad Faestus.

I really enjoyed painting these models, I really love the war torn feel and look that the Death Guard has and I tried to show it as best as I could using a variety of washes and pigments as always.

So there you have it, thats my version of a Death Guard Tactical squad, stay tuned for more pre-heresy goodies! 😉

I would love to hear your comments and see your votes on CoolMiniOrNot as always! Till next time, take care!

About the Author: Mihalis Skalkos

Teacher, modeller, painter, Wargamer mad about music and trying to fit all these in a tight 24hour schedule! Always trying to find more challenging and unique projects to get my teeth on! Catch me on Home Of Cadaver for more!