“Enter the Mephiston” – Blood Angels 1850 List

This was the third rewrite of my Blood Angels list. I kinda did it on the fly too, and made some mistakes, BUT I knew I wanted to play around with Mephiston.

As TPM Blood Angel pointed out Mephiston is a Death Star, able to kill with realitive ease most units in the game.  However he is not invulnerable, i.e. no INV save, but as long as you can minimize the hits he’s taking he can endure for most games.

The list I wrote below was going to be my greatest list ever. However as with most master plans I forgot one little thing; he’s not an Independent Character.  So he wasn’t going to go into a drop pod with the honor guard, DOH! It’s quite possible that the combination of him in a pod would be broken, but hey in tourney play I’m all for broken.

Anyways so I started looking for a “Mephiston Delivery System”, and came up with two 15 point rhinos that belonged to some 5 man Assault squads.  Now while he couldn’t start in the rhino, he could embark into it and scream 18 inches up on his first turn!  Conversely he could just start 12″ or whatever up and (hopefully) wings up 12 more and fleet on his turn as well, BUT I prefer the screaming rhino tactic.

So I played this a few times and pretty much ran the flank he was on, leaving devastation in his wake.  It made me giggle on the inside, but reality set in and I realized I didn’t have enough troops to do missions etc, so I scrapped the list.  BUT here it is version 2.0 of my Blood Angels Playtest List.

Now on a side note this list is the same one I ran for my playtest video 3 hopefully coming soon this week.

  • Mephiston
  • Honor Guard 4x Meltas, Pod 
  • Priest, Jump Pack, Combi Melta 
  • Furioso Dreadnought, Blood Talons, Pod w/ Loc 
  • Furioso Librarian Dreadnought, BL, Flight, Pod w/ Locator
  • Assault Squad 10 Man- Melta x2, P Fist 
  • Assault Squad 10 Man- Melta x2, Sgt w/Melta Bombs 
  • Assault Squad 10 Man- Melta x2, Sgt w/Melta Bombs
  • Assault Squad 5 Man- Melta, Rhino Searchlight 
  • Assault Squad 5 Man- Melta, Rhino Searchlight


So what would you fix in this list?